Malamas Suru / Matsyanarayan Mela Suru | मलमास शुरू / मत्स्यनारायण मेला शुरू | 2080 Shrawan 2 | Hamro Patro

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    Jul/Aug 2023
    2080 Shrawan
    Jul 18, 2023
    अधिक साउन शुक्ल प्रतिपदा
    Malamas Suru / Matsyanarayan Mela Suru
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    Malamas Suru / Matsyanarayan Mela Suru


    रामाय रामचन्द्राय रामभद्राय वेधसे।
    रघुनाथाय नाथाय सीतायाः पतये नमः॥

    Heartfelt obeisance to Lord Rama, Ramabhadra, Ramachandra, Lord of all Vedas, and Lord Rama of Sita Mata, the leader of Raghu dynasty. This year's Divine Purushottam Mass is officially starting today, let's talk in this periphery.

    The convoy of the Dashain, which should have started with the conclusion of the Pitri Paksha, have been pushed to one month this year, it's stretched till Kartik month. According to Bhavishya Purana, Lord Krishna Himself has mentioned that those who fast for Adhika Mass, give alms, and keep the body and soul pure will get many outcomes, sins, and sufferings will be redeemed. The Padma Purana also combines Adhikamas and Shri Krishna and says in his own words that it is necessary for every human being to give alms, pilgrimages, and light lamps in Adhikamas.

    What is Malamas or Adhikamass?
    The month calculated according to the motion of the sun is called the solar and the date calculated according to the motion of the moon is called the lunar. The solar month usually lasts 29 to 32 days, while the lunar month lasts 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes, and 24 seconds from one full moon to another. Generally, dates/ Tithis can be understood as lunar months and days as solar months. Thus, in the calculation of the solar month, there is a year of 365 days, and in the calculation of the lunar month, there is a year of 354 days. Thus each year the lunar month is 11 days later than the solar month and in 3 years there are 33 days differentiating between the lunar month and the solar month which is reconciled with Adhikamas or Malamas.

    MatsyaNarayan Mela begins
    During the Malmas period, there is a tradition of worshiping Narayan and reciting Purushottam Mahatmya at the Matsyanarayana Temple, 4 km south of Kirtipur. Matsyanarayana is also known as Machhenarayan. It is also mentioned in the scriptures that worshiping Lord Narayana destroys all sins.

    The temple, which has an artistic entrance of a gold-plated eagle, has a four-foot-tall statue with a conch and a Chakra in its hand, a Gadha (Ancient weapon), and a lotus, revealed from the mouth of a fish. It is mentioned in the Puranas that when Vishnu took ten incarnations, he first assumed the body of a fish and protected the Vedas by functioning as a buoy in the sea during the apocalypse.

    Devotees with the intention of visiting Char Narayan go to visit the Matsyanarayana temple especially during Malamass. It is customary to hold the Purushotam Aradhanatmak Sarvasiddhi Shrimadbhagavat Mahayagya at the Matsyanarayana Temple.

    The Matsyanarayan Mela is held at the interval of 2 years, 8 months, and 24 days from the beginning of Malmas Purushotammas for one month.

    Suyog Dhakal

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