Kag Tihar/Dhanawantari Jayanti | काग तिहार/धनवन्तरी जयन्ती | 2081 Kartik 14 | Hamro Patro

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    Oct/Nov 2024
    2081 Kartik
    Oct 30, 2024
    कार्तिक कृष्ण त्रयोदशी
    Kag Tihar/Dhanawantari Jayanti
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    Kaag Tihar | Dhanawantari Jayanti

    Sanskrit Sloka on Kaag
    काक आहृयते काकान्, याचको न तु याचकम्। काकयाचकयोर्मध्ये वरं काको, न याचक:।।
    Meaning: When a crow finds food, it welcomes and calls other crows to join unlike humans. Welcome to the Kaag Tihar of this year.

    Another great and important festival celebrated by the followers of the Vedic Sanatan Hindu religion is Tihar or Yamapanchak. The first important day of this festival is called Kaag Tihar, this day commences the five days of celebration.

    The five-day Tihar festival celebrated from Kartik Krishna Triodashi to Kartik Shulka Dwitiya, begins with Kaag Tihar. Kaag Tihar falls on the day of Kartik Krishna Triodashi. This year Triyodashi and Chaturdashi fell on the same day causing Kaag Tihar, Kukur Tihar, and Narak Chaturdashi on the same day. Kaag means crow, in the Crow Festival, the crow is worshiped as the messenger of Yamaraj, also known as a god of death. On the day of the crow festival, it is customary to worship the crow with respect and give food. Nepali society perceives crow as a message-carrying creature, isn't it?

    Dhanwantari Jayanti

    Today is the birth anniversary of Dhanwantari, the doctor of gods or Ayurveda. We have all heard about Ayurvedic medicines. Ayurvedic medicine is the oldest medical system in the world, but its effects have not diminished. This is the unique gift of Lord Dhanvantari to humanity, Ayurveda.

    There is a religious statement that Lord Dhanvantari appeared with nectar, Sankh, Chakra, and herbs while churning the sea on this day i.e. on the Triodashi of Kartik Krishna Paksha. Ayurveda is made up of two words "Ayu and Veda". Ayurveda means 'knowledge of age'. Everyone associated with Ayurveda medicine celebrates this day with special significance.

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