Upcomming Events
7FalgunDemocracy Day/Election Day 3 days remaning
8FalgunGorakhkali Puja/World Day of Social Justice 4 days remaning
9FalgunInternational Mother Language Day 5 days remaning
12FalgunBijaya Ekadashi Vrata 8 days remaning
13FalgunPradosh Vrata 9 days remaning
14FalgunMaha Sivaratri Vrata/Silachahre Puja/National Army Day 10 days remaning
15FalgunWorld NGO Day 11 days remaning
16FalgunGyalpo Lhosar 12 days remaning
17FalgunZero Discrimination Day 13 days remaning
19FalgunWorld Wildlife Day 15 days remaning
20FalgunMajhi Samudayako Ladi Pooja 16 days remaning
23FalgunGorakhkali Puja 19 days remaning
24FalgunInternational Women's Day 20 days remaning
26FalgunAmalaki Ekadashi Vrata 22 days remaning
27FalgunPradosh Vrata 23 days remaning
29FalgunFagu Poornima / Holi/Poornima Vrata 25 days remaning
1ChaitraMeen Sankranti/Fagu Poornima (Terai)/World Consumer Rights Day 26 days remaning
2ChaitraTel Lagaune Ra Aapko Mujura Khane Din/Ganagaur Puja Praarambh 27 days remaning
4ChaitraSocial Work Day 29 days remaning
5ChaitraMangal Chauthi Vrata 30 days remaning
6ChaitraWorld Oral Health Day/International Day of Happiness 31 days remaning
7ChaitraSEE 2081-Compulsory English 32 days remaning
8ChaitraSEE 2081-Compulsory Nepali/World Poetry Day 33 days remaning
9ChaitraWorld Water Day/Gorakhkali Puja/Shitalashtami Vrata 34 days remaning
10ChaitraSEE 2081-Compulsory Maths/World Meteorological Day 35 days remaning
11ChaitraWorld Tuberculosis Day 36 days remaning
13ChaitraWorld Theater Day/SEE 2081-Compulsory Social Studies 38 days remaning
14ChaitraSEE 2081-Optional First/Pradosh Vrata 39 days remaning
15ChaitraSEE 2081-Optional Second 40 days remaning
16ChaitraGhode Jaatra 41 days remaning
17ChaitraTel Lagaune Ra Nimko Pat Khane Din/Astrologer Day 42 days remaning
19ChaitraGauri Vrata 44 days remaning
24ChaitraRam Nawami Vrata/World Health Day 49 days remaning
26ChaitraKamada Ekadashi Vrata 51 days remaning
28ChaitraMahavir Jayanti/Pradosh Vrata 53 days remaning
29ChaitraInternational Day of Human Space Flight 54 days remaning
Jyotish Vaman Sapkotaशिक्षा - व्याकरणाचार्य, पौरोही...
Jyotish Smarika Acharyaबाल्मीकि बिद्यापिठ बाट ज्योत�...
Jyotish Damodar Kaushikज्योतिष र व्याकरण विषयमा आचार�...
Jyotish Ghanashyam Pokharelनेपाल संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालयब...
Jyotish Narayan Prasad Gautamगुरुकुल शिक्षा प्रणालीबाट ज्�...
Jyotish Khageshwor Subediगुरुकुल पद्दति बाट ज्योतिषीय �...
Jyotish Dipendra Khatiwadaसम्पुर्णानन्द संस्कृत बिश्वब...
Jyotish Pandit Mukunda Nepalज्योतिष पण्डित मुकुन्द नेपाल�...
Jyotish Dr. Janak Bhattaविगत ३५ वर्षदेखि कुण्डली निर्�...
Jyotish Deepak Prasad Kafleसम्पूर्णानन्द संस्कृत विश्वव...
Jyotish Purushottam Ghimireनेपाल संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय, �...
Jyotish Amrit Paudelवाराणसीकै सम्पूर्णानन्द संस्...
Acharya Choodamani Pathakसम्पूर्णानन्दसंस्कृत विश्वव�...
Jyotish Damodar Poudelनेपाल संस्कृत विश्व बिद्यालय�...
Jyotish Mukunda Sharmaस्वाध्याय, सत्सङ्ग र सदाचारजस�...
Jyotish Khagendra Subediसम्पूर्णानंद संस्कृत विश्ववि...
Jyotish Mohan Ghimireसम्पुर्णानन्द संस्कृत विश्वव...
Jyotish Hamro patroनेपाल संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय �...
Jyotish Krishna Prasad Bhandariउपप्राध्यापक (Asst. professor of Sanskrit) नेपा�...
Jyotish Narayan Prasad Bhandariउप-प्राध्यापक (lecturer of Astrology), 'कुलपत...
असोज कृष्ण अष्टमी
Jitiya Parva | Ashtami Shraddha | Budhastami | Gorakhkali Puja | World Pharmacists Day

Jitiya Parva
Glory of Jitia: Once upon a time, on the banks of the river Narmada, there was a village called Kanchanavati, which was ruled by King Malayaketu. On the west bank of the river was a desert called Valuhata, on the same bank was a winged tree inhabited by a female eagle, under which lived a female Eagle and fox became friends and one day, like other women in the village, they decided to observe the waterless fast of Lord Jeetmahan Gonsai, but coincidentally on the same day the dead son of a rich merchant was buried underneath their shelter tree.
Although the eagle maintains the fast like other women, the fox breaks the fast by not being able to suppress the strong desire to eat the carcass. In the next birth, both the eagle and the fox are born in the same house and as sisters in a Brahmin family.Eagle is born as Shilvati and the fox is born as Kapurvati. Shilvati marries a man named Buddhisen and sister Kapurvati marries King Malayaketu. Shilvati has seven beautiful sons and Kapurvati's son is dead, so she is very sad and disappointed. Kapurvati is jealous of her sister, she conspires to kill the seven sons of Shilvati and telling the king to their head in a red cloth and send it to sister Shilvati. But when Lord Jeetmahan Gonsai finds out about this, he saves Shilvati's seven sons and immortalizes them by giving them nectar (Amrit). In this way, when the pot wrapped in red cloth reaches Shilvati's house, it turns into a gift full of fruits instead of human heads
Sorha Shradhha: Asthami Shradhha
Pitri Gayatri Mantra:
देवताभ्यः पितृभ्यश्च महायोगिभ्यः एव च। नमः स्वाहायै स्वधायै नित्यमेव नमोनमः।।
It means salutations to the gods, pitras, great yogis, svaha and svadha all the time.
Pitri, Baitarni and Salvation
With the commencement of the Sorha Saddha may all the godlike Pitri in the Pitri realm between heaven and earth obtain salvation, may all the Pitri cross the Baitarni River, and may the ancestral love be maintained.
May the blessings of the ancestors be maintained, May goodness and good wishes are maintained, and we are the remnants of the ancestors in today's form, aren't we?Tarpan, Diyo Puja, Vishwedeva Brahman, and other pujas can be performed before the appointed time. There is a belief that if the Pinda is not donated at this time, the Pitris will not get it. Sanatana Philosophy largely acknowledges the importance of Pitri in the existence of life and the universe.
If an Asthami falls on Wednesday (Budhabar)- it’s a specific tithi called Budhhaasthami.Skipping the Narka- a holy observance of Budhhasthami
Budhaastami brings several dimension and devotion, Lord Shiva and Parwati are especially worshiped and prayed in this day, and people observe fasting and visit temples. According to the Sanatan legend, it is believed that one who observes this day of Budhaastami, never goes to hell, after death. Observers also seek divine blessings with prosperity for wellbeing in their lives.
What is done today?
Devotees also worship Budha Graha (Planet Mercury) and ask for his blessings. People with Budha doshas in their planetary locations are strongly prescribed to fast and worship this day. Special Naivedya is prepared and offered to Lord Buddha on this day, devotees worship Lord Budhha's idol inscribed in silver or on the gold coin, water-filled Kalash and green unpeeled coconut is placed atop, several rituals are performed to appease Lord Buddha. The observer of this Vrata is believed to gain freedom from his/her sins and also escapes from going to hell.
Gorakhkali Puja
Nepal and Gorakhkali vagwati- historical significance Baba Gorakh and Gorakhkali vagwati are very important in Nepali history. The meeting between Prithvi Narayan Shah and Baba Gorakh, the vomit that fell on the feet of Prithvi Narayan Shah and the auspiciousness given by Baba Gorakh to Prithvi Narayan Shah that there will be victory wherever he bows is the reason for the energy and strength of Nepal's unification.The glory of Gorakhnath Baba, a unique devotee of Baba Machindranath, is special in the Sanatan community of Nepal, India and all over the world.
Gorkha, the district of origin of Shah dynasty kings adjacent to the name of Baba Gorakh, and Gorakhkali temple have special importance in the former royal family of Nepal. It should be remembered that in the history of Baba Gorakh, the Gorakh palace and dynasty as well as the Gorakh temple in Pashupati's mrigasthali forest and Baba's 15-year meditation there are also connected.The Gorkha temple of Mrigasthali is in a state of neglect due to lack of protection and management.
In the Gorkha Darbar area is the shrine of Gorakhkali Devi. This Peetha is considered as the Kool Devi of the Shah Dynasty. It is customary to worship Gorkhali on Paush Krishna Ashtami. Today, a special puja is performed at the Gorakhkali temple in Gorkha.It has been a tradition for hundreds of years to bring Jamara to Kathmandu on Phulpati day in this Gorakhkali temple. In the post-republic years, such customs have not been given much attention, although the importance of Baba Gorakh and Gorakhkali Devi in the protection of Nepalese land has been incomparable.
Nepali people need more blessings of Baba Gorakh and Gorakhkali Devi to protect cows.
The International Pharmaceutical Federation (FIP) is the global body representing over 4 million pharmacists and pharmaceutical scientists. We work to meet the world's health care needs. FIP is a non-governmental organisation that has been in official relations with the World Health Organization since 1948.
Theme 2024:
Pharmacists meeting Global Health needs Celebration of Pharmacists Day on 25th September, 2024- on the theme “Pharmacists meeting Global Health needs.
World Pharmacists Day on September 25 is a celebration of every pharmacist, pharmaceutical scientist, and others who are part of this field. Four million people are engaged in this profession around the globe. World Pharmacists Day is thus not only a welcome event, but it is also a crucial holiday to honour the role these guys play in improving global health outcomes. The day is marked by events and activities sponsored by various governmental and non-governmental organizations. Globally, they all have one common goal to increase awareness about pharmacists and their roles.
-Suyog Dhakal
Upcomming Events
7FalgunDemocracy Day/Election Day 3 days remaning
8FalgunGorakhkali Puja/World Day of Social Justice 4 days remaning
9FalgunInternational Mother Language Day 5 days remaning
12FalgunBijaya Ekadashi Vrata 8 days remaning
13FalgunPradosh Vrata 9 days remaning
14FalgunMaha Sivaratri Vrata/Silachahre Puja/National Army Day 10 days remaning
15FalgunWorld NGO Day 11 days remaning
16FalgunGyalpo Lhosar 12 days remaning
17FalgunZero Discrimination Day 13 days remaning
19FalgunWorld Wildlife Day 15 days remaning
20FalgunMajhi Samudayako Ladi Pooja 16 days remaning
23FalgunGorakhkali Puja 19 days remaning
24FalgunInternational Women's Day 20 days remaning
26FalgunAmalaki Ekadashi Vrata 22 days remaning
27FalgunPradosh Vrata 23 days remaning
29FalgunFagu Poornima / Holi/Poornima Vrata 25 days remaning
1ChaitraMeen Sankranti/Fagu Poornima (Terai)/World Consumer Rights Day 26 days remaning
2ChaitraTel Lagaune Ra Aapko Mujura Khane Din/Ganagaur Puja Praarambh 27 days remaning
4ChaitraSocial Work Day 29 days remaning
5ChaitraMangal Chauthi Vrata 30 days remaning
6ChaitraWorld Oral Health Day/International Day of Happiness 31 days remaning
7ChaitraSEE 2081-Compulsory English 32 days remaning
8ChaitraSEE 2081-Compulsory Nepali/World Poetry Day 33 days remaning
9ChaitraWorld Water Day/Gorakhkali Puja/Shitalashtami Vrata 34 days remaning
10ChaitraSEE 2081-Compulsory Maths/World Meteorological Day 35 days remaning
11ChaitraWorld Tuberculosis Day 36 days remaning
13ChaitraWorld Theater Day/SEE 2081-Compulsory Social Studies 38 days remaning
14ChaitraSEE 2081-Optional First/Pradosh Vrata 39 days remaning
15ChaitraSEE 2081-Optional Second 40 days remaning
16ChaitraGhode Jaatra 41 days remaning
17ChaitraTel Lagaune Ra Nimko Pat Khane Din/Astrologer Day 42 days remaning
19ChaitraGauri Vrata 44 days remaning
24ChaitraRam Nawami Vrata/World Health Day 49 days remaning
26ChaitraKamada Ekadashi Vrata 51 days remaning
28ChaitraMahavir Jayanti/Pradosh Vrata 53 days remaning
29ChaitraInternational Day of Human Space Flight 54 days remaning
Jyotish Vaman Sapkotaशिक्षा - व्याकरणाचार्य, पौरोही...
Jyotish Smarika Acharyaबाल्मीकि बिद्यापिठ बाट ज्योत�...
Jyotish Damodar Kaushikज्योतिष र व्याकरण विषयमा आचार�...
Jyotish Ghanashyam Pokharelनेपाल संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालयब...
Jyotish Narayan Prasad Gautamगुरुकुल शिक्षा प्रणालीबाट ज्�...
Jyotish Khageshwor Subediगुरुकुल पद्दति बाट ज्योतिषीय �...
Jyotish Dipendra Khatiwadaसम्पुर्णानन्द संस्कृत बिश्वब...
Jyotish Pandit Mukunda Nepalज्योतिष पण्डित मुकुन्द नेपाल�...
Jyotish Dr. Janak Bhattaविगत ३५ वर्षदेखि कुण्डली निर्�...
Jyotish Deepak Prasad Kafleसम्पूर्णानन्द संस्कृत विश्वव...
Jyotish Purushottam Ghimireनेपाल संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय, �...
Jyotish Amrit Paudelवाराणसीकै सम्पूर्णानन्द संस्...
Acharya Choodamani Pathakसम्पूर्णानन्दसंस्कृत विश्वव�...
Jyotish Damodar Poudelनेपाल संस्कृत विश्व बिद्यालय�...
Jyotish Mukunda Sharmaस्वाध्याय, सत्सङ्ग र सदाचारजस�...
Jyotish Khagendra Subediसम्पूर्णानंद संस्कृत विश्ववि...
Jyotish Mohan Ghimireसम्पुर्णानन्द संस्कृत विश्वव...
Jyotish Hamro patroनेपाल संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय �...
Jyotish Krishna Prasad Bhandariउपप्राध्यापक (Asst. professor of Sanskrit) नेपा�...
Jyotish Narayan Prasad Bhandariउप-प्राध्यापक (lecturer of Astrology), 'कुलपत...

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