Upcomming Events
7FalgunDemocracy Day/Election Day 3 days remaning
8FalgunGorakhkali Puja/World Day of Social Justice 4 days remaning
9FalgunInternational Mother Language Day 5 days remaning
12FalgunBijaya Ekadashi Vrata 8 days remaning
13FalgunPradosh Vrata 9 days remaning
14FalgunMaha Sivaratri Vrata/Silachahre Puja/National Army Day 10 days remaning
15FalgunWorld NGO Day 11 days remaning
16FalgunGyalpo Lhosar 12 days remaning
17FalgunZero Discrimination Day 13 days remaning
19FalgunWorld Wildlife Day 15 days remaning
20FalgunMajhi Samudayako Ladi Pooja 16 days remaning
23FalgunGorakhkali Puja 19 days remaning
24FalgunInternational Women's Day 20 days remaning
26FalgunAmalaki Ekadashi Vrata 22 days remaning
27FalgunPradosh Vrata 23 days remaning
29FalgunFagu Poornima / Holi/Poornima Vrata 25 days remaning
1ChaitraMeen Sankranti/Fagu Poornima (Terai)/World Consumer Rights Day 26 days remaning
2ChaitraTel Lagaune Ra Aapko Mujura Khane Din/Ganagaur Puja Praarambh 27 days remaning
4ChaitraSocial Work Day 29 days remaning
5ChaitraMangal Chauthi Vrata 30 days remaning
6ChaitraWorld Oral Health Day/International Day of Happiness 31 days remaning
7ChaitraSEE 2081-Compulsory English 32 days remaning
8ChaitraSEE 2081-Compulsory Nepali/World Poetry Day 33 days remaning
9ChaitraWorld Water Day/Gorakhkali Puja/Shitalashtami Vrata 34 days remaning
10ChaitraSEE 2081-Compulsory Maths/World Meteorological Day 35 days remaning
11ChaitraWorld Tuberculosis Day 36 days remaning
13ChaitraWorld Theater Day/SEE 2081-Compulsory Social Studies 38 days remaning
14ChaitraSEE 2081-Optional First/Pradosh Vrata 39 days remaning
15ChaitraSEE 2081-Optional Second 40 days remaning
16ChaitraGhode Jaatra 41 days remaning
17ChaitraTel Lagaune Ra Nimko Pat Khane Din/Astrologer Day 42 days remaning
19ChaitraGauri Vrata 44 days remaning
24ChaitraRam Nawami Vrata/World Health Day 49 days remaning
26ChaitraKamada Ekadashi Vrata 51 days remaning
28ChaitraMahavir Jayanti/Pradosh Vrata 53 days remaning
29ChaitraInternational Day of Human Space Flight 54 days remaning
Jyotish Dr. Janak Bhattaविगत ३५ वर्षदेखि कुण्डली निर्�...
Jyotish Deepak Prasad Kafleसम्पूर्णानन्द संस्कृत विश्वव...
Jyotish Hamro patroनेपाल संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय �...
Jyotish Khagendra Subediसम्पूर्णानंद संस्कृत विश्ववि...
Jyotish Narayan Prasad Bhandariउप-प्राध्यापक (lecturer of Astrology), 'कुलपत...
Jyotish Narayan Prasad Gautamगुरुकुल शिक्षा प्रणालीबाट ज्�...
Jyotish Amrit Paudelवाराणसीकै सम्पूर्णानन्द संस्...
Acharya Choodamani Pathakसम्पूर्णानन्दसंस्कृत विश्वव�...
Jyotish Ghanashyam Pokharelनेपाल संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालयब...
Jyotish Purushottam Ghimireनेपाल संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय, �...
Jyotish Mukunda Sharmaस्वाध्याय, सत्सङ्ग र सदाचारजस�...
Jyotish Pandit Mukunda Nepalज्योतिष पण्डित मुकुन्द नेपाल�...
Jyotish Smarika Acharyaबाल्मीकि बिद्यापिठ बाट ज्योत�...
Jyotish Damodar Poudelनेपाल संस्कृत विश्व बिद्यालय�...
Jyotish Vaman Sapkotaशिक्षा - व्याकरणाचार्य, पौरोही...
Jyotish Damodar Kaushikज्योतिष र व्याकरण विषयमा आचार�...
Jyotish Khageshwor Subediगुरुकुल पद्दति बाट ज्योतिषीय �...
Jyotish Krishna Prasad Bhandariउपप्राध्यापक (Asst. professor of Sanskrit) नेपा�...
Jyotish Dipendra Khatiwadaसम्पुर्णानन्द संस्कृत बिश्वब...
Jyotish Mohan Ghimireसम्पुर्णानन्द संस्कृत विश्वव...
World Food Day | Kojagrat Vrata

o mark and commemorate the anniversary of the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, every year, World Food Day is celebrated across the globe on October 16. This day aims at tackling global hunger and striving to eradicate hunger across the world.
World Food Day was established in November 1979, suggested by former Hungarian Minister of Agriculture and Food Dr. Pal Romany. It is celebrated by more than 150 countries around the world. Every year on October 16, World Food Day is celebrated to fight the food crisis and hunger around the world. World Food and Agriculture Organization F.A.O. According to, the biggest challenge posed by climate change is the food crisis. On the other hand, the population of the earth is increasing day by day, and to bring this proportion of the growing population towards food security, it is necessary to make the traditional methods of agriculture more productive and commercialized by adapting to climate change. Today's need is to be able to produce as much as possible by cultivating seasonal and non-seasonal crops even on small land and to use food sparingly.
Theme 2024: “Right to foods for a better life and a better future.”
Food production in Nepal
Two decades ago, when more than 80 percent of the total population was engaged in agriculture, most of the households in Nepal still make a living by digging up soil and agriculture. It is estimated that more than 60 percent of the Nepali population is still, directly and indirectly, involved in agriculture. If we look at the family profession of many of us, we find that one or two generations ago there is a substantial trace of the farming profession.
The gradual cessation of production of locally grown crops, the use of highly toxic pesticides to reduce the capacity of productive soils and the gradual disappearance of indigenous species are the challenges of food management in the 21st century. Nepal commenced its modern development but abandoned its participatory social engagement in agriculture and this is why today such a fertile Nepal has been importing foods from foreign markets. Today is also the day when Nepali must understand that agriculture is the most glamorous and responsible profession to undertake and lucrative also. Especially in Nepal, we are still not able to engage in commercial agriculture and the main reasons for this are the inability to encourage and attract students in agricultural education, this could be because of the lack of actions in government policymaking or many other reasons.
In the 1960s, Nepal was one of the sixth largest exporters of rice in the world, but agriculture in Nepal has been declining and today Nepal is at the peak of importing many agricultural products including rice.
If we compare the city of 50 years ago with the city of today, only the mouths of food grow more than the hands that grow, this is a problem for food crisis management. World Food Day is also important to make the world, which enjoys technology, communication, and physical infrastructure, aware of future problems due to declining investment and enthusiasm for slow food production. According to a statistic, by 2025, due to food shortage in the world, large corporations in developed countries have been claiming to invest in the vacant lands of developing countries. In the post COVID era, food security and sovereignty is more vital than ever before.
The movement of middlemen between farmers and consumers should be reduced and transparent relations should be maintained between producers and consumers. Land distribution should be productive, irrigation facilities should be simple and market management should be fair. Let's remember, food is the essence of our survival and the bedrock of our culture and communities.
Happy World Food Day everyone!
Dashain has officially come to an end.
The 15 days from Dashain Pratipada to today's full moon is also called Durgapaksha. Today, on the Kojagrat full moon, the full moon will rise in the sky at night and the auspicious lights (Mahadeep Jyoti) will be lit at night in the temples including Swayambhu in Kathmandu. Kojagrat Purnima is also the day of Pratipada, the day when the soil deposited in Ghatsthapana and the collected jamaras are duly disposed of in a river or reservoir.
There is another significance of this day, the day that Goddess Lakshmi comes to visit the earth at night, and those who do not sleep at night and worship and chant Lord Laxmi's bhajan are believed to be blessed by Dhanadhanya Goddess.
After the Kojagrat Purnima, it is customary to cut bamboo and make a small house of colored paper on its top and light a skylight inside it every evening till the day of Kartik Shukla Purnima.
In the Terai, it is customary to play Kauda today. Kauda is like a kind of gambling. Small pieces of Kauda are thrown into the playing arena (Khaal) by hand and money is wagered depending on the possibility of turning them over and returning them.
It is getting cold at night along with the cold. Don't underestimate the growing cold, especially in the case of children and the elderly. Let's wait for colorful Tihar now.
- Suyog Dhakal
Upcomming Events
7FalgunDemocracy Day/Election Day 3 days remaning
8FalgunGorakhkali Puja/World Day of Social Justice 4 days remaning
9FalgunInternational Mother Language Day 5 days remaning
12FalgunBijaya Ekadashi Vrata 8 days remaning
13FalgunPradosh Vrata 9 days remaning
14FalgunMaha Sivaratri Vrata/Silachahre Puja/National Army Day 10 days remaning
15FalgunWorld NGO Day 11 days remaning
16FalgunGyalpo Lhosar 12 days remaning
17FalgunZero Discrimination Day 13 days remaning
19FalgunWorld Wildlife Day 15 days remaning
20FalgunMajhi Samudayako Ladi Pooja 16 days remaning
23FalgunGorakhkali Puja 19 days remaning
24FalgunInternational Women's Day 20 days remaning
26FalgunAmalaki Ekadashi Vrata 22 days remaning
27FalgunPradosh Vrata 23 days remaning
29FalgunFagu Poornima / Holi/Poornima Vrata 25 days remaning
1ChaitraMeen Sankranti/Fagu Poornima (Terai)/World Consumer Rights Day 26 days remaning
2ChaitraTel Lagaune Ra Aapko Mujura Khane Din/Ganagaur Puja Praarambh 27 days remaning
4ChaitraSocial Work Day 29 days remaning
5ChaitraMangal Chauthi Vrata 30 days remaning
6ChaitraWorld Oral Health Day/International Day of Happiness 31 days remaning
7ChaitraSEE 2081-Compulsory English 32 days remaning
8ChaitraSEE 2081-Compulsory Nepali/World Poetry Day 33 days remaning
9ChaitraWorld Water Day/Gorakhkali Puja/Shitalashtami Vrata 34 days remaning
10ChaitraSEE 2081-Compulsory Maths/World Meteorological Day 35 days remaning
11ChaitraWorld Tuberculosis Day 36 days remaning
13ChaitraWorld Theater Day/SEE 2081-Compulsory Social Studies 38 days remaning
14ChaitraSEE 2081-Optional First/Pradosh Vrata 39 days remaning
15ChaitraSEE 2081-Optional Second 40 days remaning
16ChaitraGhode Jaatra 41 days remaning
17ChaitraTel Lagaune Ra Nimko Pat Khane Din/Astrologer Day 42 days remaning
19ChaitraGauri Vrata 44 days remaning
24ChaitraRam Nawami Vrata/World Health Day 49 days remaning
26ChaitraKamada Ekadashi Vrata 51 days remaning
28ChaitraMahavir Jayanti/Pradosh Vrata 53 days remaning
29ChaitraInternational Day of Human Space Flight 54 days remaning
Jyotish Dr. Janak Bhattaविगत ३५ वर्षदेखि कुण्डली निर्�...
Jyotish Deepak Prasad Kafleसम्पूर्णानन्द संस्कृत विश्वव...
Jyotish Hamro patroनेपाल संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय �...
Jyotish Khagendra Subediसम्पूर्णानंद संस्कृत विश्ववि...
Jyotish Narayan Prasad Bhandariउप-प्राध्यापक (lecturer of Astrology), 'कुलपत...
Jyotish Narayan Prasad Gautamगुरुकुल शिक्षा प्रणालीबाट ज्�...
Jyotish Amrit Paudelवाराणसीकै सम्पूर्णानन्द संस्...
Acharya Choodamani Pathakसम्पूर्णानन्दसंस्कृत विश्वव�...
Jyotish Ghanashyam Pokharelनेपाल संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालयब...
Jyotish Purushottam Ghimireनेपाल संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय, �...
Jyotish Mukunda Sharmaस्वाध्याय, सत्सङ्ग र सदाचारजस�...
Jyotish Pandit Mukunda Nepalज्योतिष पण्डित मुकुन्द नेपाल�...
Jyotish Smarika Acharyaबाल्मीकि बिद्यापिठ बाट ज्योत�...
Jyotish Damodar Poudelनेपाल संस्कृत विश्व बिद्यालय�...
Jyotish Vaman Sapkotaशिक्षा - व्याकरणाचार्य, पौरोही...
Jyotish Damodar Kaushikज्योतिष र व्याकरण विषयमा आचार�...
Jyotish Khageshwor Subediगुरुकुल पद्दति बाट ज्योतिषीय �...
Jyotish Krishna Prasad Bhandariउपप्राध्यापक (Asst. professor of Sanskrit) नेपा�...
Jyotish Dipendra Khatiwadaसम्पुर्णानन्द संस्कृत बिश्वब...
Jyotish Mohan Ghimireसम्पुर्णानन्द संस्कृत विश्वव...

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