Upcomming Events
7FalgunDemocracy Day/Election Day 3 days remaning
8FalgunGorakhkali Puja/World Day of Social Justice 4 days remaning
9FalgunInternational Mother Language Day 5 days remaning
12FalgunBijaya Ekadashi Vrata 8 days remaning
13FalgunPradosh Vrata 9 days remaning
14FalgunMaha Sivaratri Vrata/Silachahre Puja/National Army Day 10 days remaning
15FalgunWorld NGO Day 11 days remaning
16FalgunGyalpo Lhosar 12 days remaning
17FalgunZero Discrimination Day 13 days remaning
19FalgunWorld Wildlife Day 15 days remaning
20FalgunMajhi Samudayako Ladi Pooja 16 days remaning
23FalgunGorakhkali Puja 19 days remaning
24FalgunInternational Women's Day 20 days remaning
26FalgunAmalaki Ekadashi Vrata 22 days remaning
27FalgunPradosh Vrata 23 days remaning
29FalgunFagu Poornima / Holi/Poornima Vrata 25 days remaning
1ChaitraMeen Sankranti/Fagu Poornima (Terai)/World Consumer Rights Day 26 days remaning
2ChaitraTel Lagaune Ra Aapko Mujura Khane Din/Ganagaur Puja Praarambh 27 days remaning
4ChaitraSocial Work Day 29 days remaning
5ChaitraMangal Chauthi Vrata 30 days remaning
6ChaitraWorld Oral Health Day/International Day of Happiness 31 days remaning
7ChaitraSEE 2081-Compulsory English 32 days remaning
8ChaitraSEE 2081-Compulsory Nepali/World Poetry Day 33 days remaning
9ChaitraWorld Water Day/Gorakhkali Puja/Shitalashtami Vrata 34 days remaning
10ChaitraSEE 2081-Compulsory Maths/World Meteorological Day 35 days remaning
11ChaitraWorld Tuberculosis Day 36 days remaning
13ChaitraWorld Theater Day/SEE 2081-Compulsory Social Studies 38 days remaning
14ChaitraSEE 2081-Optional First/Pradosh Vrata 39 days remaning
15ChaitraSEE 2081-Optional Second 40 days remaning
16ChaitraGhode Jaatra 41 days remaning
17ChaitraTel Lagaune Ra Nimko Pat Khane Din/Astrologer Day 42 days remaning
19ChaitraGauri Vrata 44 days remaning
24ChaitraRam Nawami Vrata/World Health Day 49 days remaning
26ChaitraKamada Ekadashi Vrata 51 days remaning
28ChaitraMahavir Jayanti/Pradosh Vrata 53 days remaning
29ChaitraInternational Day of Human Space Flight 54 days remaning
Jyotish Narayan Prasad Gautamगुरुकुल शिक्षा प्रणालीबाट ज्�...
Jyotish Purushottam Ghimireनेपाल संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय, �...
Jyotish Deepak Prasad Kafleसम्पूर्णानन्द संस्कृत विश्वव...
Jyotish Amrit Paudelवाराणसीकै सम्पूर्णानन्द संस्...
Jyotish Hamro patroनेपाल संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय �...
Jyotish Krishna Prasad Bhandariउपप्राध्यापक (Asst. professor of Sanskrit) नेपा�...
Jyotish Khagendra Subediसम्पूर्णानंद संस्कृत विश्ववि...
Jyotish Dr. Janak Bhattaविगत ३५ वर्षदेखि कुण्डली निर्�...
Jyotish Dipendra Khatiwadaसम्पुर्णानन्द संस्कृत बिश्वब...
Jyotish Ghanashyam Pokharelनेपाल संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालयब...
Jyotish Narayan Prasad Bhandariउप-प्राध्यापक (lecturer of Astrology), 'कुलपत...
Jyotish Damodar Kaushikज्योतिष र व्याकरण विषयमा आचार�...
Acharya Choodamani Pathakसम्पूर्णानन्दसंस्कृत विश्वव�...
Jyotish Smarika Acharyaबाल्मीकि बिद्यापिठ बाट ज्योत�...
Jyotish Mukunda Sharmaस्वाध्याय, सत्सङ्ग र सदाचारजस�...
Jyotish Damodar Poudelनेपाल संस्कृत विश्व बिद्यालय�...
Jyotish Khageshwor Subediगुरुकुल पद्दति बाट ज्योतिषीय �...
Jyotish Pandit Mukunda Nepalज्योतिष पण्डित मुकुन्द नेपाल�...
Jyotish Vaman Sapkotaशिक्षा - व्याकरणाचार्य, पौरोही...
Jyotish Mohan Ghimireसम्पुर्णानन्द संस्कृत विश्वव...
असोज कृष्ण औंसी
Aunshi Shraddha | Pitri Bisarjan | World Non Violence Day

Sohra Sraddha Samapti (Aunshi shradhha) | Sorha Sradhha concludes today
Pitri Pakshya
These 16 days is the homage fortnight to ancestors, ancestors mean Pitri in Sanskrit so these days are called Pitri Parksha. Ancestors (Pitri) are taken as the center of God and the ancestral homage (Pitrikarma) is taken as the center of the eternal rites.Sorha Shraddha further clarifies the height and importance of Vedic Sanatan rites.
Pitri Gayatri Mantra:
देवताभ्यः पितृभ्यश्च महायोगिभ्यः एव च। नमः स्वाहायै स्वधायै नित्यमेव नमोनमः।।
It means salutations to the gods, pitras, great yogis, svaha and svadha all the time.
This Dashain Fragrance
These mornings, the morning weather has started to give a hint with the fragrance of the festival, that is, the blueness of the sky and the cleanliness of the clouds are decreasing temperatures in these mornings, which give the feeling of Dashain in Nepal. Looking up at the sky, it seems as if pearls are scattered like pieces of clouds. Isn't these all hints of Dashain?
These 16 holy days are called by different names like Sohra Shraddha, Pitripaksha, Kagant, Jitiya, Mahalaya Paksha, Pitru Pokho, etc.
Sarva Pitri Moksha Aunsi
On the last day of Sohra Shraddha, Ashwin Krishna Paksha Aunsi is called Sarva Pitri Moksha Aunsi. This day is considered to be the most important day of the sorha shraddha as shraddha will be performed in the memory of all the deceased whose death tithi is unknown and other reasons if their shradhhas are delayed.
Starting from the full moon, this aspect lasts till the day of the Aaunshi. In Pitri Paksha, it is believed that ancestors come and live in the homes of their descendants on earth. Hindus perform Pitrikarya i.e. shraddha on the death tithi of their ancestors, on the day of shraddha, there is a special bustle in the house. Shraddha is one of the important deeds in Vedic Sanatan Hindu rites which is usually performed by the eldest son, if not the eldest son then other sons or brothers and even sisters of the family perform this. On the day of Sarvapitru Aunshi, the Son pays homage to the fathers on both his father's and mother's side.
World Nonviolence day
October 2, the World Day of Non-Violence, is also the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi, the world leader for non-violence in the world. His 'Salt Movement' and 'Charkha Movement' are strong examples of effective non-violent movement for change. The role of non-violence in social justice is incomparable, the world community today stands united against violence as one voice.
World-famous art of non-violence
In front of the United Nations headquarters in New York, a work by artist Carl Frederick Ruteshward, a work of art with the barrel of a gun twisted and shot as if it had been caught and stopped by someone under a gun, is known as the world-famous art of non-violence.
Only a fearless and intrepid generation that can share food and roof can advocate non-violence. The vision of a non-violent society is possible only when we can teach our children the importance of non-violence.
Come on, are you in a developed country or an underdeveloped place, chewing corn and soybeans or eating in an expensive restaurant? Imagine what our society would be like if there were no violent actions and emotions around us.The 2024 theme for the International Day of Peace is “Cultivating a culture of peace”
Ahimsa Paramo Dharam
What if the streets of Palestine, Lebanon and Afghanistan were reopened with non-violence, forgiveness, and the peace of equality? What if the world does not allow violence based on color, nationality, religion, language, love, and many other things? Martin Luther King, Jr., the American Freedom Fighter, also imagined that blacks, whites, and browns would all sit at the same table and eat, laugh, and celebrate equality.
Whether it is the Gita or the Koran, the Bible, or the Tripitaka or any other religious scripture, it is mentioned that violence does no good to anyone. Now is the time to walk on the path of smile, 'Ahimsa Paramo Dharam' i.e. non-violence is the greatest religion, don't stop smiling, and get rid of violent feelings from your mind. Don't be afraid to speak out against violence.
-Suyog Dhakal
Upcomming Events
7FalgunDemocracy Day/Election Day 3 days remaning
8FalgunGorakhkali Puja/World Day of Social Justice 4 days remaning
9FalgunInternational Mother Language Day 5 days remaning
12FalgunBijaya Ekadashi Vrata 8 days remaning
13FalgunPradosh Vrata 9 days remaning
14FalgunMaha Sivaratri Vrata/Silachahre Puja/National Army Day 10 days remaning
15FalgunWorld NGO Day 11 days remaning
16FalgunGyalpo Lhosar 12 days remaning
17FalgunZero Discrimination Day 13 days remaning
19FalgunWorld Wildlife Day 15 days remaning
20FalgunMajhi Samudayako Ladi Pooja 16 days remaning
23FalgunGorakhkali Puja 19 days remaning
24FalgunInternational Women's Day 20 days remaning
26FalgunAmalaki Ekadashi Vrata 22 days remaning
27FalgunPradosh Vrata 23 days remaning
29FalgunFagu Poornima / Holi/Poornima Vrata 25 days remaning
1ChaitraMeen Sankranti/Fagu Poornima (Terai)/World Consumer Rights Day 26 days remaning
2ChaitraTel Lagaune Ra Aapko Mujura Khane Din/Ganagaur Puja Praarambh 27 days remaning
4ChaitraSocial Work Day 29 days remaning
5ChaitraMangal Chauthi Vrata 30 days remaning
6ChaitraWorld Oral Health Day/International Day of Happiness 31 days remaning
7ChaitraSEE 2081-Compulsory English 32 days remaning
8ChaitraSEE 2081-Compulsory Nepali/World Poetry Day 33 days remaning
9ChaitraWorld Water Day/Gorakhkali Puja/Shitalashtami Vrata 34 days remaning
10ChaitraSEE 2081-Compulsory Maths/World Meteorological Day 35 days remaning
11ChaitraWorld Tuberculosis Day 36 days remaning
13ChaitraWorld Theater Day/SEE 2081-Compulsory Social Studies 38 days remaning
14ChaitraSEE 2081-Optional First/Pradosh Vrata 39 days remaning
15ChaitraSEE 2081-Optional Second 40 days remaning
16ChaitraGhode Jaatra 41 days remaning
17ChaitraTel Lagaune Ra Nimko Pat Khane Din/Astrologer Day 42 days remaning
19ChaitraGauri Vrata 44 days remaning
24ChaitraRam Nawami Vrata/World Health Day 49 days remaning
26ChaitraKamada Ekadashi Vrata 51 days remaning
28ChaitraMahavir Jayanti/Pradosh Vrata 53 days remaning
29ChaitraInternational Day of Human Space Flight 54 days remaning
Jyotish Narayan Prasad Gautamगुरुकुल शिक्षा प्रणालीबाट ज्�...
Jyotish Purushottam Ghimireनेपाल संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय, �...
Jyotish Deepak Prasad Kafleसम्पूर्णानन्द संस्कृत विश्वव...
Jyotish Amrit Paudelवाराणसीकै सम्पूर्णानन्द संस्...
Jyotish Hamro patroनेपाल संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय �...
Jyotish Krishna Prasad Bhandariउपप्राध्यापक (Asst. professor of Sanskrit) नेपा�...
Jyotish Khagendra Subediसम्पूर्णानंद संस्कृत विश्ववि...
Jyotish Dr. Janak Bhattaविगत ३५ वर्षदेखि कुण्डली निर्�...
Jyotish Dipendra Khatiwadaसम्पुर्णानन्द संस्कृत बिश्वब...
Jyotish Ghanashyam Pokharelनेपाल संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालयब...
Jyotish Narayan Prasad Bhandariउप-प्राध्यापक (lecturer of Astrology), 'कुलपत...
Jyotish Damodar Kaushikज्योतिष र व्याकरण विषयमा आचार�...
Acharya Choodamani Pathakसम्पूर्णानन्दसंस्कृत विश्वव�...
Jyotish Smarika Acharyaबाल्मीकि बिद्यापिठ बाट ज्योत�...
Jyotish Mukunda Sharmaस्वाध्याय, सत्सङ्ग र सदाचारजस�...
Jyotish Damodar Poudelनेपाल संस्कृत विश्व बिद्यालय�...
Jyotish Khageshwor Subediगुरुकुल पद्दति बाट ज्योतिषीय �...
Jyotish Pandit Mukunda Nepalज्योतिष पण्डित मुकुन्द नेपाल�...
Jyotish Vaman Sapkotaशिक्षा - व्याकरणाचार्य, पौरोही...
Jyotish Mohan Ghimireसम्पुर्णानन्द संस्कृत विश्वव...

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