Fagu Poornima / Holi/Poornima Vrata | फागु पुर्णिमा (पहाडी जिल्ला)/पूर्णिमा व्रत | 2081 Falgun 29 | Hamro Patro

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    Feb/Mar 2025
    2081 Falgun
    Mar 13, 2025
    फागुन शुक्ल चतुर्दशी
    Fagu Poornima / Holi/Poornima Vrata
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    Fagu Poornima | Holi | Poornima Vrata

    Fagu Poornima Audio Cast

    Fagu Poornima "Holi"

    Happy Holi, Pahadko Holi
    Holi Heyyyy

    Who could arrest the rising and receding sunlight of this life?
    Who has imprisoned color or shackled beauty?

    यस जीवनको उदाँउदो अस्ताँउदो सुर्यलाई कस्ले रोक्छ ?
    रंगहरुमा कस्ले पहरा दिन्छ ? घामलाई कस्ले बाँध्छ?

    Why bother to make these efforts? Every heart out there, a very happy Holi, the festival of color and friendship wrapped in packages of smiles

    fagu, Holi, Phagu Purne, etc. There are many names for this festival. We wish we could spread a few drops of cold, pure water from Nepal from your phone screen to commemorate this Holi.

    The above lines are based on a couplet by renowned Indian poet and lyricist "Sahir Ludhianvi," an attempt to convey the infinity of pervasive sunlight and the significance of color freedom. Before we get into the Holi context, please allow me to discuss the significance of colors in our lives and their impact on freedom and purity. Colors have the truest and purest appearance, and no one has ever been successful in restraining or changing their colorfulness. Colors are the best adjective to define or describe anything. As a small kid, I remember describing my school picnic to my father. My description was filled with colors: Dad, the forest was green and the river was flowing brown; the color of the small boat was green; and the sailor was wearing a black shirt. I bluntly remember those particular picnic incidents, but I also remember the color of the bus, my attire, and my friends too. Color is unforgettable, and the color is the best description. It has a huge impact on human life, perception, and thinking patterns. Holi is the day when Sanatana followers observe the importance and freedom of colors in their lives.

    Holi memories
    My mind grabs Holi memories as a box of crayons; the whole village, city, and surrounding area look like a box of crayons, and people and color become one on this day. Welcome to Holi this year, the only festival on the planet that depicts life as a rainbow.

    Some people prefer to color in their lives, but for me, I prefer living in color and living in color. Let's play Holi, and if possible, we'll patch a few drops of cold, clean water from Nepal onto your mobile screen.

    Take some time for yourself, visit relatives, or send a message or phone call at this spring festival of joy and excitement. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, and in any situation, Holi's diverse colors and enthusiasm must touch you.

    A three-story chir in Hanuman Dhoka

    In honor of Holi, many timeless works and songs have been composed in various periods of Nepal, India, and adjacent nations of the Indian subcontinent. With the grace of this sacred feast that has been practiced since time immemorial, all of us lovers of dreams can find colors, rejoice, and rejuvenate. Whether it is the Ayodhya kingdom or the Awadh state, the Mithila kingdom, or any corner of the world, the background of this great festival of spring is described by the tradition that celebrates it. The Holi festival officially begins after a ceremonial chir (a traditional pillar-standing ritual) in Kathmandu's Basantapur. A three-story chir is located in Hanuman Dhoka, Kathmandu's Gaddi Baithak. This chir represents the triumph of truth over deception, and it is later dissolved at Tudhikhel.

    Devotees return home with the ashes of the burned chir because they are considered very holy and positive. Holi is similar to the ancient Bhakta Prahlad, who was burned by his aunt (his father's sister) with his father's permission. Bhakta Prahlad was accused of worshiping Lord Vishnu and chanting his hymns and prayers. Later, his aunt gets burned and he gets protected, and a strong message is then delivered to the world that the truth is glorified against untruth.

    Vawisya Purana and the Narad Purana
    Holi is also cited in the Vawisya Purana and the Narad Purana, where it is also stated that on the day of this Holi, Lord Krishna killed the demon "Putana" in her attempt to kill Lord Krishna during his childhood. Upon this victory of Lord Krishna, residents of GokulDham celebrated the day by marking the village, houses, and faces in blue, the color of humanity and peace.

    Blue is also the favorite color of Lord Krishna. The shadow of the full waxing moon and the prayers of Holi and songs, the brightness in the darkness, the depth of the heights, and the smiles and ecstasy, Holi are everything a human heart desires to pump happily. Today is a public holiday in Nepal, Kathmandu valley and hilly areas celebrate Holi on the full moon day, while the Terai observes Holi on the next day. This is because the Mithila Parikrama ends on the full moon, and they observe Holi the next day.

    "Malpuwa," a traditional sweet, is very popular in Holi, and Taruwa and Varuwa's (traditionally deep-fried vegetables) are popular in the Terai region. Nepal is colorful in Holi, whether it is hills or flatlands; the ponds in Terai are colored in the real color with the semantic significance of integrity, brotherhood, and inclusion. Nepal's colorful villages and cities miss you, and we wish everyone a very Happy Holi.

    Poornima Vrata

    The last day of Shukla Paksha is the full moon. On this tithi, the moon is the brightest and most magnificent. It is believed that fasting on this day brings immense lunar grace for health, prosperity, and peace. Lord Shiva and Vishnu are especially revered on the full moon day. Special worship for Lord Vishnu is done in the form of Satya Narayan Puja. Satya Narayan Puja is usually performed whenever possible, although the fruits of this puja performed on the day of the full moon are very abundant.

    From a scientific point of view, it is said that gravity will have a great effect on the earth on the day of the full moon, and self-purification will be done by fasting on this day and remembering the name of God. By fasting on this day, the metabolic process will be strengthened, gastric problems will be solved, and positive energy will increase in the body.

    From sunrise in the morning to moonrise in the evening, this day is fast. Some people observe this fast without drinking water, while others observe it by eating only one meal and eating no salt (alino) food. The fast ends in the evening, after the moon rises and is visible. Happy Falgu Purnima to everyone this year.

    Let there be the protection of both religion and the followers of religion.

    -Suyog Dhakal

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    Bimal Dawadi ११ दिन अघि
    Happy Holi
    Rjaram Yadav ११ दिन अघि
    Happy holi all my best friend s
    Gobind Rawat ११ दिन अघि
    happy holi all my fd
    Tajpuriya Jeetendar ११ दिन अघि
    Very nice and Happy holi 😊😊
    Anand Koirala ११ दिन अघि
    happy holi
    Hamro Patro - Connecting Nepali Communities
    Hamro Patro is one of the first Nepali app to include Nepali Patro, launched in 2010. We started with a Nepali Calendar mobile app to help Nepalese living abroad stay in touch with Nepalese festivals and important dates in Nepali calendar year. Later on, to cater to the people who couldn’t type in Nepali using fonts like Preeti, Ganesh and even Nepali Unicode, we built nepali mobile keyboard called Hamro Nepali keyboard.