Kamada Ekadashi Vrata | कामदा एकादशी व्रत | 2081 Baishakh 7 | Hamro Patro

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    Apr/May 2024
    2081 Baishakh
    Apr 19, 2024
    चैत शुक्ल एकादशी
    Kamada Ekadashi Vrata
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    Kamada Ekadashi Vrata

    Kamada Ekadashi Vrata Special Audio

    Ekadashi, which dates to the Chaitra Shukla Ekadashi (11th day of the waxing moon), is called Kamada Ekadashi. On this day, it is a religious belief to get fruits according to the wishes of people who are purely devout.

    Meaning and Vratkatha of Kamada Ekadashi
    Kamada means something that grants all desires, Kamada ekadashi is believed to grant desires and wishes of them who observe this auspicious Ekadashi. The brief study of this Ekadashi mahatma depicts that the significance of this Ekadashi is derived from an ancient incident which happened in a village named "Ratnapura". One day Yudhisthira asks with Krishna to narrate the story behind Kamada Ekadashi, Krishna tells the ancient incident of Ratnapura where King Pundarik ruled from a golden palace. Ratnapura was also a village where king descendants of serpent kingdom lived, these serpents and several other beautiful Apsaras danced in King Pundarik's palace. Once when a dancer named "Lalit" couldn't perform up to the expectation because of his distraction due to his love affair with another dancer "Lalita", King cursed him to be a demon. Lalit's beloved was Lalita, she later observed this Kamada Ekadashi and freed her beloved from the curse, after that Kamada Ekadashi was widely observed and will always be observed till the eternity.

    Even though the month is already Baisakh for the year 2081 B.S, tithi and miti are yet revolving around previous year. Precisely, this was it about the Kamada Ekadashi, this year and its months on the final edge, a series of Ekadashis for this year is concluded. See you in next Ekadashi.

    -Suyog Dhakal

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    zjnnnq १० महीना अघि
    Shanta Shrestha ११ महीना अघि
    anda sukla kahile sakinxa?
    Shree.Dipendra Panthi ji sun u ११ महीना अघि
    अत्यन्तै राम्रो कामको सुरुवात भइरहेको छ
    Shree.Dipendra Panthi ji sun u ११ महीना अघि
    Bishal Singh ११ महीना अघि
    Bishal jarwat
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