World Intellectual Property Day | विश्व बौद्धिक सम्पत्ति दिवस | 2081 Baishakh 14 | Hamro Patro

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    Apr/May 2024
    2081 Baishakh
    Apr 26, 2024
    वैशाख कृष्ण द्वितीया
    World Intellectual Property Day
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    World Intellectual property rights day

    World Intellectual property rights day Special Audio

    Background of World Intellectual Property Rights Day
    Each year, on 26 April, the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) celebrates 'World Intellectual Property Day to discuss the role that intellectual property (IP) rights play in encouraging innovation and creativity.

    Theme of World Intellectual Property Rights Day, 2024 A.D
    World IP Day 2023 highlights the key role IP rights play in helping women SMEs build stronger, more competitive businesses, under the theme In 2024, the theme for World IP Day is: IP and the SDGs: Building our common future with innovation and creativity.
    The idea for World IP Day was first proposed by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in 2000 to promote awareness and understanding of intellectual property rights and their role in encouraging innovation and creativity. The first World IP Day was observed in 2001, and since then, it has become an annual event celebrated around the world.

    Types of Intellectual Properties
    Poetry is now as valuable as the farmer's plow, the lyricist's song, the columnist's line, the singer's voice, the composer's composition, the food recipe, and the spice mix. Business trademarks, from advertising to technological innovation, are intellectual property. I am just trying to give examples, the range of intellectual property is very diverse.

    By the end of the 19th century, the world was talking about intellectual property rights, but the 20th century has been the century of intellectual property rights. It is said that this concept was introduced to motivate other things, including intellectual thinking. It can be understood that both sweat and mind are used equally to earn wealth than usual.

    For example, if someone builds an air-powered vehicle, that vehicle and the means and technologies of production are his intellectual property. For a certain period, he has financial rights in this innovation and he has to get permission from anyone else to use this product or method. This applies to every other intellectual product and discovery.

    We've sometimes heard of lawsuits about having a small part of someone's song in someone's movie, all of which fall into the category of intellectual property rights. Some things or methods cannot be used by others without the permission of the creator.

    In the creation of the mind, there is both originality and professionalism from the creator, and the institutional practice of its protection is discussed today. In today's digital age, the world is flooded with the same stream of ideas and intellect, without the protection of this intellectual right, the value of the creator's creation cannot remain.
    Respect both the creator and the creations.
    The narrator should be able to write the story and let no one steal his story and characters. Let the poet have life in poetry, let him survive due to the sole right in his poetry, and let every creator get the value of his creation. Respect both the creator and the creations. Let there be an environment where trade, society, andtechnologicaly know-how intellectual property is protected. Good luck

    Suyog Dhakal

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