World Malaria Day | विश्व औंलो दिवस | 2081 Baishakh 13 | Hamro Patro

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    Apr/May 2024
    2081 Baishakh
    Apr 25, 2024
    वैशाख कृष्ण प्रतिपदा
    World Malaria Day
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    World Malaria Day

    World Malaria Day Special Audio

    World Malaria Day
    Today marks World Malaria Day, every year on the 25th of April, this day is celebrated. This year World Health Organization promotes the "Zero Malaria Starts with Me" campaign and calls for individual solidarity for community and global protection against malaria. This is a day that advocates for a grassroots movement that aims to prioritize malaria on the political agenda, mobilize additional resources, and empower communities to take ownership of malaria prevention and care. Reducing the suffering and death from malaria has been one of the top agendas of this millennium. This day speaks to every dimension and statistics of malaria on a global scale.

    Theme 2024:
    On World Malaria Day, let's “Accelerate the fight against malaria for a more equitable world” through Ending discrimination and stigma. Engaging communities in health decision-making.

    Vaccination against Malaria
    In the year 2022, researchers at Oxford University found that 90 percent effective vaccination against malaria.
    Sooner or later, these vaccines will be made available and affordable to all developing nations.

    Malaria Data:
    Between 2000 and 2014, the number of malaria-related deaths fell by 40% worldwide, from an estimated 743 000 to 446 000. But in recent years, progress has ground to a standstill. According to the WHO's World Malaria Report 2019, there were no global gains in reducing new infections over the period 2014 to 2018. Nearly as many people died from malaria in 2018 as the year before. One simple bed net can save people from a mosquito bite and malaria-related death, today is the day to be aware of that fact.

    Urgent actions are needed to get back on track, Corona crisis of past years has redefined a new form of national power, and from now on, the power of the nation will not only depend on artillery and amenities but also on the degreegree of the resilient health system. Malaria is an immediate threat and a challenge to mankind, let's develop solidarity to combat this.

    Let's join in our effort to get zero malaria.

    -Suyog Dhakal

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