Safala Ekadashi | सफला एकादशी | 2080 Paush 22 | Hamro Patro

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    Dec/Jan 2024
    2080 Paush
    Jan 07, 2024
    पुष कृष्ण एकादशी
    Safala Ekadashi
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    Safala Ekadashi Vrata

    Safala Ekadashi Vrata Special Audio

    Meaning of "Safala"
    Today is the 11th day of the waning phase of the moon in Poush month, this Ekadashi is called Safala Ekadashi. Safala is derived from the word "Safal" meaning success and happiness. Safala is a feminine connotation to the word Safal. The boon of this Ekadashi is directly linked to the gravity of success and prosperity.

    There is a religious belief that the outcome of the Safala Ekadashi brat will be more than the great Mahayagya. According to the Padma Purana, the compassion of a Safala Ekadashi brat is greater than that of hundreds of Mahayagyas. Safala Ekadashi is also considered as the Ekadashi of liberation from sins and welfare.

    Lord Krishna himself narrating the importance of Safala Ekadashi
    In a discourse between Yudhisthira and Lord Krishna, Lord Krishna himself narrates the importance of this Ekadashi.

    "Dharmaraja, I say to you because of your affection that I am not happy with the yajna which is getting more and more Dakshina in addition to Ekadashi fast. Therefore, do it with utmost devotion and reverence. Hey Rajan! observe the grandeur of Dwadhyukta Pausha Krishna Ekadashi with devotion."

    As in other Ekadashis, even in a Safala Ekadashi, one should observe a brat by following a sattvic diet. On the day of Ekadashi, one should get up in the morning, take a bath, purify oneself, put sandalwood on one's head and worship Lord Vishnu by offering lotus or Baijayanti flowers, Gangajal, Panchamrit, Dhup-deep, and Naiveddha. The next day, on the morning of Dwadashi, observers should eat only after giving Dakshina to the Brahmin and Guru.

    May the affection of Srinarayan be upon us, may our afflictions be away.

    -Suyog Dhakal

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