International Immigrants Day | अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय आप्रवासी दिवस | 2080 Paush 2 | Hamro Patro

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    Dec/Jan 2023
    2080 Paush
    Dec 18, 2023
    मंसिर शुक्ल षष्ठी
    International Immigrants Day
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    International Immigrants Day

    International Immigrants Day Special Audio

    The International Migrants Day theme for 2023 is: Honouring the Contributions of Migrants and Respecting their Rights.

    Today is international migrant day which is drawn towards the social cohesion of 272 million migrants living new lives and building new communities in each corner of the planet. The process of moving to another country for employment and livelihood is generally called immigration. This day has been celebrated on December 18 every year since 2000 to spread the message that immigrants must be recognized following the law of the country in which they have arrived.

    December 18 is celebrated every year as the International Day of Migrants, in 1990, when the United Nations adopted an international convention to protect the rights of migrant workers and their families. On the occasion of this day, national and international non-governmental organizations in Nepal have been discussing the law on ensuring the rights of migrant workers and drawing the attention of the government and political parties on these issues.

    From the Nepali chef striding his trade in UK to the Indian classical musician contributing their skills in the US, we witness the promise that adds beauty to the world when migration is managed properly.

    Unmanaged migration
    When migration is not handled with dignity and integrity, there are several corpses of Syrian refugees floating on the ocean, Rohingyas still struggling for their basics, and many more. A lot is yet to be done for migrants in the world community. Migration has always been with human civilization and will always be.

    Today, the workers who are going out for work are formally discharged at the Tribhuvan International Airport and various publicity programs are held.

    Nepali immigrants have been struggling abroad for the betterment and welfare of themselves and their families. Especially the destination of Nepalis is the Gulf countries and Malaysia, South Korea, East America. Nepalis have been reaching 190 countries of the world including Europe for work. And more destinations are being added.

    In such a situation, Nepali migrant workers have been facing many problems daily. Remittances from migrant workers have increased their income, not just their own.

    Let's create solidarity for migrant's rights, equality, and integrity, let's be together for this.

    -Suyog Dhakal

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    Binod Magar १ बर्ष अघि
    विश्व आप्रवासी दिवसको हार्दिक शुभकामना्,सबको जय होस्🌍️🙏🌷💐
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    Yo ho MNO ho dherai sathiharle bujhi saknu bha chha Hamro Barna yeti nai ho.Mongol Negro Arya.!
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