International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women | अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय महिला हिंसा अन्त्य दिवस | 2080 Mangsir 9 | Hamro Patro

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    Nov/Dec 2023
    2080 Mangsir
    Nov 25, 2023
    कार्तिक शुक्ल त्रयोदशी
    International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women
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    International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women

    Every year from 25th November to 10th December, various activities and programs are organized for 16 days to show solidarity and generate public awareness against gender-based violence.

    Global Statistics on "Violence against women"
    According to various studies, one in three women worldwide has experienced some form of violence in their lifetime and most of the violence has been experienced by their close, boyfriend, confidant, or spouse.

    Another study shows that 35 percent of women worldwide are victims of some form of physical or sexual violence in their lifetime.

    The United Nations General Assembly in 1999 has decided to observe November 25 as the Day against Violence against Women. And from 2000 A.D this observation started.

    This years’ campaign theme:
    In 2023, the UNiTE campaign theme is Invest to Prevent Violence against Women & Girls. In every country and culture, more action is needed to ensure women in all their diversity live free of violence and coercion.

    Sustainable Development Goal
    Violence against women continues to be an obstacle to achieving equality, development, peace as well as to the fulfillment of women and girls’ human rights. All in all, the promise of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) - to leave no one behind - cannot be fulfilled without putting an end to violence against women and girls.

    Women and creation
    The life of a person starting from the mother's womb gradually moves forward with the love of sister, wife, and co-existence of the society. But ironically, these same female characters who created the world are still victims of violence all over the world. Today is the day against any kind of violence against women, who are synonymous with Mother Nature and the epitome of human creation.

    There are still reports of violence against women in the daily newspapers, TV, or radio. Did this happen at the risk of not bringing dowry in such and such place? The news that this was done on the charge of witchcraft and forcing it on the girl child is heartbreaking. Voices of violence and inequality against women are heard not only in Nepal but also in many developed countries of the world.

    Sanatana Hindu Philosophy and importance of women
    The pages of history bear witness to the fact that in the practical rules of Vedic Sanatan Hindu and our Vedic tradition, this dignified civilization has given equality and respect to both men and women. Worshiped goddesses, the custom of treating daughters and daughters-in-law as synonyms of Lakshmi, the Panchakanyas required in every puja or yajna, and the custom of the Kumari, the living goddess, are all rituals of respect and reverence for women.

    The campaign against violence against women will not be successful unless the society and the nation treat the girl and the boy equally. Stories and stories of violence against women are often hidden and lost without expressing or reporting. In particular, the Government of Nepal states that men and women are legally equal and capable. If there is any kind of violence against you, you can get justice by reporting it to the concerned legal and advocacy body.

    Just as the existence of Shiva without Parvati is secondary, Vishnu without Lakshmi is half, the story of Krishna without Radha is not exciting, the ancestor of Jesus Christ without Mother Mary is not complete. So the love and intimacy of woman with man and respecting woman is vital. Come today let us promise that we will always be vigilant against violence against women. Long live the end of violence through women's empowerment!

    -Suyog Dhakal

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