Pradosh Vrata/International Human Rights Day | प्रदोष व्रत/अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय मानव अधिकार दिवस | 2080 Mangsir 24 | Hamro Patro

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    Nov/Dec 2023
    2080 Mangsir
    Dec 10, 2023
    मंसिर कृष्ण त्रयोदशी*
    Pradosh Vrata/International Human Rights Day
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    International Human Rights Day । Pradosh Vrata

    International Human Rights Day Special Audio

    International human rights day
    10th December is observed as an international human rights day. In 1948, the UN general assembly adopted the universal declaration of human rights on this day. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is the most widely translated and published language in the world. It is translated and published in over 500 languages.

    The Universal Declaration of Human Rights turns 75

    This landmark document enshrines the inalienable rights that everyone is entitled to as a human being - regardless of race, colour, religion, sex, language, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.

    The Declaration was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on 10 December 1948 and sets out, for the first time, fundamental human rights to be universally protected.

    Then, it was proclaimed as the common standard for all people and nations on the planet. The formal inception commenced in 1950. This is the 75th international human rights day. All these 75 years, Human rights and its necessity have encompassed several dimensions, reformation and reaffirmation however the basics of human rights have always been uniform across the globe.

    Individuals and societies shall strive the progressive measures, national and international, to sustain their universal and effective recognition and observance through Human Rights.

    About the declaration of Human Rights
    Although the Declaration is not a binding document, it inspired more than 60 instruments of human rights which together constitute an international standard of human rights. Today the general consent of all United Nations Member States on the basic Human Rights laid down in the Declaration makes it even stronger and emphasizes the relevance of Human Rights in our daily lives.

    2023 Theme: Freedom, Equality and Justice for All
    In the decades since the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in 1948, human rights have become more recognized and more guaranteed across the globe. The UDHR has since served as the foundation for an expanding system of human rights protection that today focuses also on vulnerable groups such as persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples, and migrants.

    Whatever the situation could be, Human Right is unquestionable.

    Utmost wishes for the day.

    Pradosh Vrata

    Triodashi is called Pradosh. Like Ekadashi, Pradosh is important every month, Vishnu is remembered in Ekadashi and Shiva is remembered in Pradosh. Pradosh begins 45 
    minutes before sunset and ends 45 minutes after sunset.

    Pradosha Katha
    It is mentioned in the scriptures that Lord Shiva cured the disease of the moon on the day of Triodashi, when the effect of the moon was diminishing.Due to this, Pradosh Vrat is observed in Triodashi of every month in remembrance of Lord Shiva. It is more fruitful to worship Shiva in the time of pradosh.

    -Suyog Dhakal

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