Utpatika Ekadashi Wrata/International Dignified Menstruation Day | उत्पतिका एकादशी व्रत/अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय मर्यादित महिनावारी दिवस | 2080 Mangsir 22 | Hamro Patro

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    Nov/Dec 2023
    2080 Mangsir
    Dec 08, 2023
    मंसिर कृष्ण एकादशी
    Utpatika Ekadashi Wrata/International Dignified Menstruation Day
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    Utpatika Ekadashi Wrata | International Dignified Menstruation Day

    Utpatika Ekadashi Wrata Special Audio

    First Ekadashi after Kartik Poornima
    The Krishna Paksha Ekadashi after Kartik Purnima is Utpanna Ekadashi. This is also known as Utpatika Ekadashi. This is associated with the origin of all Ekadashis and their

    Utpatika Meaning
    As "Utpatika Ekadashi" is the first of all Ekadashis, those who take the brat of Ekadashi should start the Ekadashi brat ritual from today. Ekadashi falls twice a month as "Krishna Paksha" and "Shukla Paksha", of which Ekadashi after the full moon is called Ekadashi of Krishna Paksha and Ekadashi after no moon (aaunshi) is called Ekadashi of Shukla Paksha.

    Utpatika Ekadashi Vrat Katha
    Awful demon Mura was extraordinarily powerful, he defeated the whole godly assembly of Indra Loka and captivated Indra Lok.To end the tranny of Mura, Lord Shiva suggested seeking help from Lord Vishnu. Mura was based in Chandrawati city, gods reached there. Lord Vishnu and Muracame across each other. Sudarshan Chakra and divine Gadha both proved less effective to Mura. Then it was converted into MallaYudhha (One to one fight without any weaponry).

    Lord Vishnu hide in Hemvati caves after the prolonged battle. Mura tried to kill the sleeping Vishnu but to counter the attack a powerful feminine power was born out of the divine body of Vishnu. This feminine power killed Mura.

    This lustre of Lord Vishnu was Yagya Maya, Lord Vishnu blessed her that anyone who observes fasting for her shall get rid of all sorts of sins and achieve salvation.
    Yagya Maya bestows Dharma, Dhanya, and Moksha to her devotees, and Ekadashis manifest Yagya Maya and her divinity.

     Best wishes for this day.

    International Dignified Menstruation Day

    The 8th of December is International Dignified Menstruation Day, recognizing that DM is a concern of human rights and call to end menstrual discrimination as a form of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV).

    Menstrual Discrimination:

    Menstrual Discrimination refers to taboos, shyness, shame, stigma, restrictions, abuses, violence, and deprivation from resources that are associated with menstruation throughout the life cycle of menstruators (girls, women transmen, queer) and all people born with a uterus and ovaries.
    However, the Menstrual cycle is a normal biologic phenomenon.

    What is dignified menstruation?
    Dignified Menstruation (DM): DM is a state of freedom from any forms of menstrual discrimination including taboos, stigmas, shyness, shame, abuse, restrictions and violence associated with menstruation throughout the life cycle of menstruators.

    Menstruation is a natural fact of life and a normal procedural event for 1.8 billion people of reproductive age. Yet millions around the world are denied the right to manage their menstrual cycles in a dignified and healthy way. Due to this reason, this day has been celebrated on December 8 with the message that menstruation is very normal and should not be ashamed. This day is also part of 16 days campaign against gender violence.

    This is the fifth edition of International Dignified Menstruation Day.
     Slogan for 5th International Dignified Menstruation Day-2023:

    This year’s slogan is “Dignified Menstruation is an Integral for Ending Sexual Violence and Child Marriage”.
    Meaningful wishes

    -Suyog Dhakal

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