Paapmochini Ekadashi Brata/SEE 2080-Optional Second | पापमोचनी एकादशी व्रत/SEE २०८०- ऐच्छिक द्वितिय | 2080 Chaitra 23 | Hamro Patro

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    Mar/Apr 2024
    2080 Chaitra
    Apr 05, 2024
    चैत कृष्ण एकादशी
    Paapmochini Ekadashi Brata/SEE 2080-Optional Second
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    Paapmochini Ekadashi Vrata । SEE 2080-Optional Second

    Papmochani Ekadashi
    Two Ekadashis in a lunar month
    Every lunar month has two Pakshas and each Paksha has an Ekadashi. Thus, in the Ekadashis of Krishnapaksha and Shuklapaksha, the eternal devotees worship Hari. Shri Hari can be understood as the guardian of the universe, the creator of the universe, and the omnipresent power as the components of creation.

    This omnipotence power must be understood away from any religion or philosophy, it is necessary to recognize it as an element from the smallest part of the universe to the greatest. It is believed that the existence of the living beings of the earth and the protection of the soul by the divine power is done by this power manifest, people recognize as Shri Hari.

    Importance of Papmochani Ekadashi
    The importance of Ekadashi of Chaitra Krishnapaksha is very special. This Ekadashi is known for the Atonement, thus it's called Papmochani Ekadashi. The significance of this Ekadashi is found to be special in enduring iniquity and getting rid of sins. It is believed that if one fasts on this Ekadashi and worships Shri Hari, one will be saved in this world as well as in another.

    Every year's Ekadashi series is completed by Paap Mochani Ekadashi, this Ekadashi is the last Ekadashi of the year. In this Ekadashi, the quadrilateral form of Sri Hari is invoked. To give a little explanation of the quadrilateral form, this form can also be taken as the greatest form of Sri Hari. The entire universe is contained within this form of Sri Hari. In the Mahabharata, Krishna in the form of Sri Hari gave a glimpse of this form to Arjuna.
    Cosmic form as explained in Geeta

    In (11.8, 38, 48, 53 to 55)chapter of the Geeta, this cosmic form is explained as Virat Swaroop. This form can only be seen with the divine eye, that is, the divine and meditative gaze called Divyachakchu. Toddler Shri Krishna opened his mouth in front of Devaki Mata and showed the gaze of the whole universe inside the mouth as a reflection of this form. At that time, Lord Krishna had said to Devaki's mother, "Mother, I am the whole universe." Special grace and adoration are performed to this Virat Swaroop or the quadrilateral form of Shri Hari in this Ekadashi.

    The quadrangle consists of conch, Chakra, mace, and lotus flower. The conch proclaims knowledge, the chakra proclaims bondage and freedom, the mace proclaims power and the lotus flower proclaims the cause of creation as navel lotus. In Papmochani Ekadashi, the grace of Sri Hari in the form of these quadrilaterals is expected.

    Best wishes. May we all attain the grace of Shri Hari regardless of our religion, belief, or perceptions.

    SEE Exam – Optional second subject

    The SEE exam is being conducted from Chaitra 15th to Chaitra 27th of the year 2080. The Examination will be conducted from 8 am.According to the schedule, today there will be a test of optional second subject. In SEE examination respective candidate must attend the examination of Eight subjects. Among them English, Nepali, Science, Social Studies, Math, and E.P.H (Environment, population, and health) are compulsory subjects. Whereas, Optional Math, Account, Computer, Economics are optional subjects. Among these optional subjects, the candidate must choose any two subjects.

    In addition, the examination monitoring team has been empowered to act on the spot against anyone who commits or incites to break the rules in the examination.

    Good luck to all the candidates.

    -Suyog Dhakal

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    Manoj Rai १२ महीना अघि
    om namoh vagwate basudebayo namoh.
    M.P. Lamsal १२ महीना अघि
    best of luck hamro Patrick all people
    Babu Chhetry १२ महीना अघि
    best of luck to each and every students.
    Roshani Sah १२ महीना अघि
    Good luck to all of the Students...
    Ramprasad Adhikari १२ महीना अघि
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