SEE 2080-Compulsory Social Studies | SEE २०८०-अनिवार्य सामाजिक अध्ययन | 2080 Chaitra 21 | Hamro Patro

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    Mar/Apr 2024
    2080 Chaitra
    Apr 03, 2024
    चैत कृष्ण नवमी
    SEE 2080-Compulsory Social Studies
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    SEE 2080- Compulsory Social Studies

    The SEE exam is being conducted from Chaitra 15th to Chaitra 27th of the year 2080. The Examination will be conducted from 8 am and all together 4 lakhs 89 thousand aspirants are attending the exam.

    According to the schedule, today there will be a test on Compulsory Social Studies. In SEE examination respective candidate have to attend the examination of Eight subjects. Among them English, Nepali, Science, Social Studies, Math and E.P.H (Environment, population, and health) are compulsory subjects. Whereas, Optional Math, Account, Computer, Economics are optional subjects. Among these optional subjects, the candidate has to choose any two subjects.

    In addition, the examination monitoring team has been empowered to take action on the spot against anyone who commits or incites to break the rules in the examination.

    Good luck to all the candidates.

    -Suyog Dhakal

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    rom raj Sharma ११ महीना अघि
    खग्रास सूर्य ग्रहण लाग्ने कुरा यो पात्रो लेख्नेलाई थाहा नभएको हो ? कि छाप्ने मान्छेलाई?
    Dewaka Mainali ११ महीना अघि
    Sujan Bhandari ११ महीना अघि
    Shai ho
    Reedam Pahari ११ महीना अघि
    ghr banaune sait kaile hjr..?
    Bam Bohara ११ महीना अघि
    म आज ktm ma छु भोलि धनगढी जाने हो मित्र
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