Tel Lagaune Ra Aapko Mujura Khane Din/Ganagaur Puja Praarambh | तेल लगाउने र आँपको मुजुरा खाने दिन/गणगौर पूजा प्रारम्भ | 2080 Chaitra 13 | Hamro Patro

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    Mar/Apr 2024
    2080 Chaitra
    Mar 26, 2024
    चैत कृष्ण प्रतिपदा
    Tel Lagaune Ra Aapko Mujura Khane Din/Ganagaur Puja Praarambh
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    Ganagaur Puja Praarambh । Tel Lagaune Ra Aapko Mujura Khane Din

    Ganagaur Puja
    Gauri is worshiped on the day of Chaitra Shukla Tritiya. Both married women and unmarried or even single women observe this fast with the desire to have a long conjugal life and marital happiness. This fast is also called Gangaur fast and it is also called Gauri Tritiya, Saubhagya Gauri fast, and Gauri Puja.

    The stalks in the field are almost cut, the stalks of wheat have been cut and the stalks have been brought in. The early days of the New Year, the open sky, and the long evenings are giving a glimpse of a long day.

    Generally, this fast starts from the day of Sakranti in the month of Chaitra and ends on this day. From the point of Pakshya, this fast is considered as a vow of 18 days from the beginning of Chaitra Krishna Paksha to the Tritiya of Shukla Paksha.

    In the Shiva Purana, it is mentioned that Mother Parvati succeeded in getting Lord Shiva because she fasted for 5 days. However, this fast is equally important for both Parvati and Shiva. I wish all of you the best of luck in this vow that both husband and wife will support each other for years to come.

    In other words, this fast can also be taken as a welcome to the coming monsoon. The clouds that went to fetch water shall bring enough water and moisture for this year. May everyone's wishes be fulfilled, best wishes.

    Tel lagaune ra Aapko Majura khane din

    The New Year is starting sooner, and we are on the edge of the last month of this year. This year, not just the year but the entire decade is also changing. Preparations are underway to welcome the New Year in many ways of the new year 2081 BS. One of the many ways to welcome the New Year is to consume mango flowers and apply oil to the body.

    New Year is known by many names including Jutshital, Siruwa, Naya Barsa, Naya Sal. The era is stepping into the 2081st edition of Samvat run by King Vikramaditya. Years go by, centuries go by, and social dimensions change. Let's just don't let the relationship and affection between people decrease, this is our wish.

    It is a traditional custom to start the festival by applying oil before any festival begins. In Holi, Tihar, and other festivals, the ritual is started by applying oil on the body and hair one day in advance.

    In the joy of nature this spring, there are smiles in every house and mango trees have blossomed on the mango trees. On this day, it is also customary to pick and eat the blossoms of the mango tree. In this way, it is customary to pick and eat mangoes for formality. By doing this, it is believed that the mango fruit will remain healthy and tasty until harvest. It is believed that eating nim leaves will cure stomach ailments and applying oil will make the body stronger and softer. May the coming New Year provide a strong and healthy life to all. Happy New Year

    -Suyog Dhakal

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