Poornima Wrata/Pashupatinath Chhaya Darshan | पूर्णिमा व्रत/पशुपतिनाथको छाया दर्शन | 2080 Falgun 11 | Hamro Patro

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    Feb/Mar 2024
    2080 Falgun
    Feb 23, 2024
    माघ शुक्ल चतुर्दशी
    Poornima Wrata/Pashupatinath Chhaya Darshan
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    Pashupatinath Chhaya Darshan | Poornima Vrata

    Pashupatinath Chhaya Darshan Audio Cast

    The divine day to observe and worship the water reflection of PashupatiNath

    Introduction to holy Pashupat area
    In the bank of Bagmati River and under the lap of mountainous range, there lies the supreme form of Lord shiva in the holy Pashupatinath temple. The fate of Bagmati River is to integrate in Ganga and eventually to the ocean, similarly Pashupatinath manifests the ultimate energy and awakening about the life and death of mankind. This is the holiest place for Hindu and a full circle of Hindu pilgrimage is incomplete without stepping in the holy pashupat area. This prehistoric religious avenue is sited in several ancient texts and incidents of sanatan philosophy. Surrounded by devpatan, jayabageshwori, gaurighat, Chabahil, Kutumbahal, Sifal, Gaushala, Pinglasthan and Slesamantak forest, Pashupatinath area extends up to 264 hectares including about 492 temples/ monuments and more than 1000 shivalingas.

    Water reflection ritual
    Today I will be narrating this specific day when devotees are offered the water reflection glimpse of Pashupatinath. This is not an ordinary ceremony or a mediocre ritual, it happens once a year and is observed by hundreds of devotees. Since several centuries, the local people from Newa community are involved in this divine day. These community people wash the main shivalinga and put on a new crown over it, the water reflection of the shivalinga is created by filling the southern part of temple with water. This divine reflection underneath the open blue February sky is observed by pilgrims and devotees till the dusk.

    Lord shiva manifests the energy of creating, protecting and transforming, Pashupatinath itself means the lord of every creatures of this universe. The serene environment of pashupatinath translates a different energy and a new meaning of existence, make sure you don't miss this specific day of observing Shivalinga in its water reflection.

    Om Namaha Shivaya

    Poornima Vrata


    The last day of Shukla Paksha is the full moon day. On this tithi, the moon is the brightest and magnificent. It is believed that fasting on this day brings immense lunar grace to health, prosperity, and peace. On the full moon day, Lord Shiva and Vishnu are especially worshiped. Special worship to Lord Vishnu is done in the form of Satya Narayan Puja. Satya Narayan Puja is usually performed whenever possible, although the fruits of this puja performed on the day of the full moon are very abundant.

    From a scientific point of view, it is said that gravity will have a great effect on the earth on the day of the full moon and self-purification will be done by fasting on this day and remembering the name of God. By fasting on this day, the metabolic process will be strengthened, gastric problems will be solved and positive energy will increase in the body.

    This day is fasted from sunrise in the morning to moonrise in the evening. Some people observe this fast without drinking water, while others observe this fast by eating only one meal and eating no salt (alino) food. In the evening, after the moonrise, the fast ends with the sighting of the moon.

    -Suyog Dhakal

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    Biliph Shrestha १ बर्ष अघि
    Sai Shakya १ बर्ष अघि
    Sai Shakya १ बर्ष अघि
    read too come king
    Sai Shakya १ बर्ष अघि
    love all alwyas in my heart i come in my form don't worry about anythink you need me i need you i meet you i pray all you too.... i love so much you all in my heart .÷<&>[/=]******* feel in ....
    Sai Shakya १ बर्ष अघि
    i am not doing fault i am want you joy with this holy land to shower of pure joy and blessed with bhagwan loved.. come and see i am not playing i am planet to stay with all of us with peace and bhagwan blissed is a sai prema
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