World Heart Day | विश्व मुटु दिवस | 2079 Ashwin 13 | Hamro Patro

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    Sep/Oct 2022
    2079 Ashwin
    Sep 29, 2022
    असोज शुक्ल चतुर्थी
    World Heart Day
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    World Heart Day

    Every year on September 29th, Heart Day is celebrated all over the world.

    The heart, a small pump-like organ in our chest from birth to death, sends blood pressure to every artery and cell. The heart is the heart of our health. In 2012, health organizations and heads of governments around the world agreed to reduce non-communicable diseases by 25 percentage by 2025.

    Talking about non-communicable diseases, it is estimated that every year around 20 million people die of heart attacks and heart-related diseases and problems. For this reason, heart disease is considered the number one killer.

    Heart Day slogan 2022
    The slogan of World Heart Day in 2022 is "Use Heart for Every Heart". It means to love every heart from the heart. The heart is the only organ that you can hear and feel. It is the first and last sign of life. It is one of the few things that can unite us all as human beings.

    Risk of heart disease
    Due to a busy lifestyle, excessive use of packaged foods, use of impure foods, processed and chemical consumables, stressful lifestyle, unhealthy competition and distance from nature, we are all at risk of heart disease today.

    We are doing injustice to our hearts, we ignore daily exercise, we lack interest in sports, we smoke and drink, and excessive intake of medicine and stress. It should be remembered that if we pay attention to the things mentioned above, about 80 percent of premature deaths of heart patients can be prevented.

    Suyog Dhakal

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    Sharda Thakuri Shrestha २ बर्ष अघि
    2079/7/25gatay janmw kundali rasi and name
    tribhuwan Kingboy २ बर्ष अघि
    hello everyone 🥀🥀
    Khem Magar २ बर्ष अघि
    Chetan Srish २ बर्ष अघि
    Meghnath Adhikari २ बर्ष अघि
    namaste sabjanalai
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