World Tourism Day | विश्व पर्यटन दिवस | 2079 Ashwin 11 | Hamro Patro

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    Sep/Oct 2022
    2079 Ashwin
    Sep 27, 2022
    असोज शुक्ल द्वितीया
    World Tourism Day
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    World Tourism Day


    Tourism for All: International Tourism Day is celebrated every year on September 27 with the slogan of promoting accessible global tourism.

    The yearly theme for 2022 is "Rethinking Tourism".

    Tourism is the biggest industry in the world, tourism must be accessible to all. Whether we are living at home or traveling somewhere, maybe because of some disability or injury or because of having young children, because of a family, or because of old age, the elderly are being deprived of some way to go or take advantage of tourism. But sooner or later, the worldwide easy access to tourism and the benefits of tourism should be available to all.

    Rethinking tourism
    International tourist arrivals at the start of 2022 were double the level recorded in 2021. In some regions, arrivals are already at, or even above, pre-pandemic levels. The lifting of the remaining travel restrictions, alongside rising consumer confidence, will be important drivers for the sector’s recovery, bringing hope and opportunity to many millions of people around the world.

    World Tourism Day will be celebrated as the shift towards tourism is being recognized as a crucial pillar for development and as progress is well underway. May 2022 marked the first time the United Nations General Assembly held a special debate on tourism, illustrating the historic relevance of the sector. Tourism is now on the agenda of governments and of international organizations in every global region.

    Suyog Dhakal

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