Tulasidas Jayanti | तुलसीदास जयन्ती | 2079 Shrawan 19 | Hamro Patro

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    Jul/Aug 2022
    2079 Shrawan
    Aug 04, 2022
    साउन शुक्ल सप्तमी*
    Tulasidas Jayanti
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    Tulsidas Jayanti

    Today is the birth anniversary of Tulsidas Prabhu (1532-1623), a seeker of very influential ideas in social balance and a full exponent of Vedic Sanatan Hindu philosophy, religious narrator, and poet. He is also known as Goswami Tulsidas.

    Who is Tulasidas?
    Tulsidas Prabhu is especially famous on this earth for his devotion to Lord Rama and his fragmentary Ramacharitramanas and the new chapter of Sanskrit Ramayana (Tulsidaskrit Ramayana). Even though it has been a long time since Tulsidas Prabhu left this world, rhyming expression created by him, the Ramayana of Tulsidas Prabhu's period language can still be seen in various temples, monasteries, temples, libraries, and schools.

    Contribution of Tulasidas to Sanatana philosophy?
    Poet Tulsidas is considered to be the reincarnation of Valmiki and still, the verses of Hanuman Chalisa written by him are worshiped, sung, and recited by Vedic Sanatan Hindu followers all over the world including Nepal and India. Tulsidas spent most of his life in Varanasi, Banaras. A ghat in Vanaras is still named after Tulsidas.

    Tulsidas is a source of inspiration for many even today, living a normal life but as an author of unusual creations and works. Even 100 years after Tulsidas's demise, his follower Priyadas wrote a devotional essay on Tulsidas' death and seven wonderful spiritual experiences in his life. Similarly, another devotee, Nabhadas, has described Tulsidas as an incarnation of Valmiki in his work Bhaktakamal.

    Today is the birth anniversary of Tulsidas, who is on the path of devotion and devotion to religion and God. His ideas can be easily explained even outside the perimeter of Hinduism.

    Whether you believe in Hinduism, Buddhism, Islam, Jainism, or any other religion or you are an atheist who does not believe in religion, may this day inspire us to move forward on the path of truth and originality, service is religion, let us not shy away from serving.

    Suyog Dhakal

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