Intersex Awareness Day | अन्तरलिङ्गी जनचेतना दिवस | 2078 Kartik 9 | Hamro Patro

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    Oct/Nov 2021
    2078 Kartik
    Oct 26, 2021
    कार्तिक कृष्ण षष्ठी*
    Intersex Awareness Day
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    Intersex awareness day

    Intersex Awareness Day is celebrated annually on October 26. The day is commemorated in 1996 to commemorate the first public demonstration by the intersex community in the United States.

    There is still a tendency in the world to discriminate based on gender, as a result of which people from intersex communities are celebrating their identity and equality very deeply around the world. Up to 1.7 percent of babies are born with sex characteristics that don’t fit typical definitions of male and female. That makes being intersex almost as common as being a black hair!

    Being Intersex is about someone’s biological sex characteristics. This includes genitals, gonads, hormone levels and chromosome patterns. It is different from sexual orientation or gender identity – an intersex person could be straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual or asexual, and they might be a woman, a man, both or neither.

    Traditionally, heterosexuals are people who have a variety of sexual characteristics other than the two genders. So far, more than 40 types of intersex diversity have been identified, some examples being both genitals, obscure genitalia, uterine and external genitalia in the internal reproductive organs, external genitalia, vagina and internal testicles. Being intersex is a biological sexual characteristic and is normal.

    The sexual identities of intersex people can be male, female or otherwise. Interracial people can have a variety of sexual orientations, including heterosexual (straight), homosexual (bisexual), and bisexual. Intersexual characteristics are not a disorder, deformity or disease of any kind, it is a normal and natural biodiversity.

    Awareness on intersexual gender and concerns in the necessity of today. Best wishes.

    Suyog Dhakal

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