International Day for Tolerance | अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सहनशीलता दिवस | 2078 Kartik 30 | Hamro Patro

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    Oct/Nov 2021
    2078 Kartik
    Nov 16, 2021
    कार्तिक शुक्ल द्वादशी
    International Day for Tolerance
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    International Day for tolerance

    International Tolerance Day is a day declared by UNESCO to raise public awareness of the dangers of disagreement, misunderstanding, and intolerance around the world since 1995. Today, UNESCO organizes various conferences and events every year on the occasion of this day of 16th November. At such events, there is a serious discussion about the promotion of tolerance and non-violence.

    “Tolerance is respect, acceptance, and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world's cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human.” It is the basic theme of International Tolerance Day 2021.

    All over the world, modernization is bringing about profound changes in societies. This is opening up huge opportunities for communication and exchange. At the same time, it raises new challenges, such as inequality and poverty. Now that we see the debate over the rise and fall of immoral politics and dividing strategies in various places, we are now rejecting diversity as a source of weakness.

    Abuse, hatred, and terrorist attacks have not been able to unite the human community. In this context, the lack of tolerance and harmony are witnessed. Tolerance will play a key role in today's society to get rid of this growing inhuman complexity.

    All cultures are different, all people are different, but the community of humanity is the same. Tolerance is the struggle for peace. Today, the day respects diversity and pluralism based on human rights. Let's practice tolerance in our lives, try to understand others, learn to reject all discrimination and hatred, and end imperialism.

    Suyog Dhakal

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