Tula Sankranti | तुला संक्रान्ति | 2078 Kartik 1 | Hamro Patro

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    Oct/Nov 2021
    2078 Kartik
    Oct 18, 2021
    असोज शुक्ल त्रयोदशी
    Tula Sankranti
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    Tula Sakranti

    The first day of the month is called Sankranti and the end of the month is called Masanta. Today Libra Sankranti i.e. Sun is entering Libra from Virgo. There are 12 solstices in a year and on the day of solstice the Sun enters from one zodiac sign to another. Today's solstice is also important because the time of day and night are the same on this day.

    This Sankranti is described as a very important Sankranti in the Matsya Purana. It is also customary to fast Tula Sankranti by eating only one meal a day in advance.

    According to the Vedic Sanatan Hindu calendar, the seventh month i.e. Kartik started from today. Due to this special effect, the grain is ready to be harvested in the field so that it can be stored in a well-drained manner and stored in a good manner without any natural calamity.

    Gradually, the cold dew has started falling from the sky, you may be experiencing a cold breeze and the days are getting shorter and the evenings are getting faster. Paddy farmers have started flocking to the farm. The month of Mangsir is approaching as it is the next month after this.

     Let the farmers rejoice when the crops get ripen this time. As the time has come for the rice plants planted in Ashadh Shravan to pay the price of sweat, may the energy of hope and smile be communicated to everyone, good luck!

    Suyog Dhakal

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