International Day of Sign Languages/Tritiya Shradhha | अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय सांकेतिक भाषा दिवस/तृतीया श्राद्ध | 2078 Ashwin 7 | Hamro Patro

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    Sep/Oct 2021
    2078 Ashwin
    Sep 23, 2021
    असोज कृष्ण द्वितीया
    International Day of Sign Languages/Tritiya Shradhha
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    International Day of Sign Languages | Tritiya Shradhha

    Let's remember the sign language translators who are sitting next to the news, in the corona update of the Ministry of Health and in many videos. The hints of these experts help many to understand the news, the voice works for those who do not hear. World Sign Language Day is celebrated every year on September 23. The context of this year's Sign Language Day is a little different. The whole world depends on the information they receive at corona and infection risk and the sources of information may not be friendly to everyone, the significance and environment of Sign Language Day this year is different in this post-covid circumstance.

    In the post-Corona world, the day advocates for services, facilities and news through the technology and means of a friendly structure that is necessary not only for the deaf members but also for other physical disabilities.

    The promotion and use of sign language is also on the list of sustainable development goals of the United Nations, which was celebrated for the first time in 2018. The aim of this day is to bring everyone together in the mainstream of development with the aim of not leaving anyone behind. According to the World Federation of the Deaf, there are approximately 72 million deaf people worldwide. More than 80% of them live in developing countries. Collectively, they use more than 300 different sign languages. Sign languages are fully fledged natural languages, structurally distinct from the spoken languages. There is also an international sign language, which is used by deaf people in international meetings and informally when travelling and socializing. It is considered a pidgin form of sign language that is not as complex as natural sign languages and has a limited lexicon.

    The International Sign Language Day 2021 is envisaged with the resolution that the leadership of every corner of the globe should include the use of sign language locally, nationally and regionally. The 2021 theme, declared by the World Federation of the Deaf, is “We Sign For Human Rights,” highlighting how each of us – deaf and hearing people around the world – can work together hand in hand to promote the recognition of our right to use sign languages in all areas of life.
    Meaningful wishes to all on this day.

    Tritiya Shradhha

    With the commencement of the Sorha Shraddha may all the godlike Pitri in the Pitri realm between heaven and earth obtain salvation, may all the Pitri cross the Baitarni River, and may the ancestral love be maintained.

     May the blessings of the ancestors be maintained, May goodness and good wishes are maintained, and we are the remnants of the ancestors in today's form, aren't we?

    Tarpan, Diyo Puja, Vishwedeva Brahman, and other pujas can be performed before the appointed time. There is a belief that if the Pinda is not donated at this time, the Pitris will not get it. Sanatana Philosophy largely acknowledges the importance of Pitri in the existence of life and the universe.

    In Vedic Sanatan Sanskrit, Pitrikarma i.e. shraddha is usually performed twice, regular shraddha is performed on the tithi of death and another shraddha is performed during the period of Sorha shraddhas. May peace and happiness prevail in every family with the commencement of this year's Sorha Shraddha Wishing for the salvation of the Pitri who passed away on the Tritiya Shraddha date.

    Suyog Dhakal

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