Jyotish Dipendra Khatiwadaसम्पुर्णानन्द संस्कृत बिश्वब...
Jyotish Deepak Prasad Kafleसम्पूर्णानन्द संस्कृत विश्वव...
Jyotish Mukunda Sharmaस्वाध्याय, सत्सङ्ग र सदाचारजस�...
Jyotish Mohan Ghimireसम्पुर्णानन्द संस्कृत विश्वव...
Jyotish Khageshwor Subediगुरुकुल पद्दति बाट ज्योतिषीय �...
Jyotish Smarika Acharyaबाल्मीकि बिद्यापिठ बाट ज्योत�...
Jyotish Damodar Poudelनेपाल संस्कृत विश्व बिद्यालय�...
Jyotish Damodar Kaushikज्योतिष र व्याकरण विषयमा आचार�...
Jyotish Dr. Janak Bhattaविगत ३५ वर्षदेखि कुण्डली निर्�...
Jyotish Amrit Paudelवाराणसीकै सम्पूर्णानन्द संस्...
Jyotish Khagendra Subediसम्पूर्णानंद संस्कृत विश्ववि...
Acharya Choodamani Pathakसम्पूर्णानन्दसंस्कृत विश्वव�...
Jyotish Purushottam Ghimireनेपाल संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय, �...
Jyotish Ghanashyam Pokharelनेपाल संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालयब...
Jyotish Pandit Mukunda Nepalज्योतिष पण्डित मुकुन्द नेपाल�...
Jyotish Narayan Prasad Bhandariउप-प्राध्यापक (lecturer of Astrology), 'कुलपत...
Jyotish Hamro patroनेपाल संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय �...
Jyotish Vaman Sapkotaशिक्षा - व्याकरणाचार्य, पौरोही...
Jyotish Krishna Prasad Bhandariउपप्राध्यापक (Asst. professor of Sanskrit) नेपा�...
Jyotish Narayan Prasad Gautamगुरुकुल शिक्षा प्रणालीबाट ज्�...
असोज कृष्ण सप्तमी
Mahalakshmi Barta Samaapti | World Rabies Day |International Day for Universal Access to Information

Mahalakshmi Mahavrata concludes today with, simplicity and tenderness of the goddess of wealth and prosperity.
Today, Krishna Saptami of Bhadrapad, i.e. 16 days of Mahalakshmi's Vrata series is being concluded today. Welcome to this year's 16-day holy series of Mahalakshmi Vrat. In these 16 days, Goddess Mahalakshmi, the goddess of wealth and auspiciousness, is worshiped. Goddess Mahalakshmi appeared during the Samundra Manthan process from Ksheer Ocean (Ksheer Sagar), she is married to Lord Vishnu or Sri Hari. Every now and then metal coins fall from the palm of the hand of Goddess Lakshmi seated on the lotus flower. If you look at these images, the goddess of wealth is an idol of tender heart and an easy presence.
The gross world pursuing wealth needs to learn a lot from Mother Lakshmi's simplicity and tenderness. In these 16 days, the devotee who worshipped Goddess Lakshmi faithfully attains wealth and prosperity. The longevity of wealth and prosperity depends on human service and good deeds. Mother Lakshmi is largely pleased with human service and humanitarian work.
Milk, sandalwood, and dairy products are used to worship Goddess Lakshmi, holding a garland of lotus seeds and chanting Goddess Lakshmi's following mantra is super beneficial.
The following are the Sanskrit texts and simple Nepali meaning of Mahalakshmi Mantra only available in Hamro Patro, Nepal's most downloaded mobile application.
करिष्यकहं महालक्ष्मि व्रतमें त्वत्परायणा ।
तदविघ्नेन में यातु समप्तिं स्वत्प्रसादतस् ।।
That is to say, O Goddess, I will be faithful to this Mahavrat here and will be faithful to it.
May the success of this fast be good for all, may the economy be stressed by the Corona disaster be recovered by grace and May Mother Lakshmi live in the homes of every daily wages worker.
World Rabies Day
Rabies is a virus called a neurotropic virus that causes rabies when it enters the body of an animal. There has been a lot of talk about the virus this year, rabies being the old virus, but this year the coronavirus has mysteriously emerged as a new virus.
The world will advocate solidarity to fight not only rabies but also other dreaded viruses on this particular day. The slogan for the last year's rabies day was Vaccinate and Collaborate, as the world was hugely dealing with COVID. This year, in 2021, things are gradually getting better and the theme is "Rabies, Facts not fear".
September 28 is celebrated around the world as 'Anti-Rabies Day' by conducting various public awareness programs, exchanging information about rabies, its prevention, and safety measures to be taken to prevent it. Most of us know about rabies and rabies is a disease that has been around for a long time with human civilization. The Egyptian civilization in the northeastern African region has a history of rabies dating back to 4300 years ago.
On the other hand, a note was written by the philosopher Aristotle 2300 years ago also mentions the fact that a rabies dog bites a person or a dog bites another animal, and people come in contact with those animals. This disease, which is transmitted by rabies, has posed a great challenge to human history and medical science. Nowadays, rabies can be cured promptly by using modern medical methods and vaccines, even after being bitten by such an animal, by injections, but if it is delayed and the virus is more effective, rabies can be fatal.
Agriculture and animal husbandry are the most regular occurrences of human civilization, and the transmission of rabies was most prevalent in the 20th century, in settlements, communities, and cultures where animal contact and animal presence were widespread. With the onset of the 20th century, the incidence of rabies in developed countries and Central Europe most affected by rabies has been declining dramatically. The main reason for this is public awareness and vaccination against rabies. Now rabies infection is negligible in developed countries but in developing countries like ours, rabies infection is seen and heard even if it is sporadic. Stray dogs are found in every chowk and intersection in the main cities of Nepal.
The unmanaged presence of these dogs has increased the risk of people being bitten and injured, as well as the possibility of rabies infection.
Authorized government bodies and stakeholders need to pay attention to the availability of anti-rabies vaccine and post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) injection at government health posts after the rabies virus enters the body. September 28 is also the day of the death of Louis Pasteur, a French microbiologist, and he is remembered for his hard work in finding a vaccine against rabies and saving many lives.
Vaccinating pets, especially dogs, against rabies promptly, is necessary. Even if infected, special care must be taken to ensure that they do not come into contact with other infected animals. Today, rabies can be eradicated from the world if we are all aware of the potential for infection and health care and services, therapeutic and preventive methods.
May all be healthy and gets cured
International Day for Universal Access to Information
If information is power, access to information is empowerment.
Imagine for a second you were transposed into the realm where you have no access to updates and information, how would you feel, that morning?
We would like to know many things, sometimes about the weather, sometimes about the news from home and abroad and it is our right to understand all this.
Information is needed for education and development. With access to information globally, it can tie everyone around the world into a single thread.
Finland and Sweden first agreed in their constitutions in 1766 to exchange information, believing that human development was possible only if everyone had access to information. It is because of the idea of bringing about this momentous change that people in the corners of the world now know the news of the moon and Mars and everywhere around the globe.
With the expansion of information and communication technology, good governance, and prosperity, we will be able to live in an equal and transparent society. In particular, equal access to information and communication technology is considered essential for making education accessible to all and for facilitating online education and open learning. Certainly, the vision of modern education in the country will not be fulfilled without access to information technology in education.
At present, the Government of Nepal is emphasizing on the need to increase investment in the development, expansion, and operation of information and communication technology, giving priority to this sector and allocating budget. UNESCO is working to build a more transparent society by 2030 by making access to information more effective. This year, the International Day for Universal Access to Information has added some sensitivity to the International Information Day. As we lived in our homes during the COVID 19 epidemic, we knew, analyzed, and estimated the outdoor and outdoor environment based on access to information. Nowadays, it is important to check the factuality, equality, and neutrality of information in global access to information, otherwise, we have seen a flood of rumors and panic in digital media this year, haven't we?
The theme chosen for the 2021 International Day for Universal Access to Information (IDUAI) celebrated yearly on 28 September is “The Right to Know – Building Back Better with Access to Information.” It will highlight the fact that the public’s need for accurate and reliable information has never been stronger than now, as countries’ struggle to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic rebuild communities and institutions.
No one can make any decision without access to information. Good luck to all of us on this important day.
Suyog Dhakal
Jyotish Dipendra Khatiwadaसम्पुर्णानन्द संस्कृत बिश्वब...
Jyotish Deepak Prasad Kafleसम्पूर्णानन्द संस्कृत विश्वव...
Jyotish Mukunda Sharmaस्वाध्याय, सत्सङ्ग र सदाचारजस�...
Jyotish Mohan Ghimireसम्पुर्णानन्द संस्कृत विश्वव...
Jyotish Khageshwor Subediगुरुकुल पद्दति बाट ज्योतिषीय �...
Jyotish Smarika Acharyaबाल्मीकि बिद्यापिठ बाट ज्योत�...
Jyotish Damodar Poudelनेपाल संस्कृत विश्व बिद्यालय�...
Jyotish Damodar Kaushikज्योतिष र व्याकरण विषयमा आचार�...
Jyotish Dr. Janak Bhattaविगत ३५ वर्षदेखि कुण्डली निर्�...
Jyotish Amrit Paudelवाराणसीकै सम्पूर्णानन्द संस्...
Jyotish Khagendra Subediसम्पूर्णानंद संस्कृत विश्ववि...
Acharya Choodamani Pathakसम्पूर्णानन्दसंस्कृत विश्वव�...
Jyotish Purushottam Ghimireनेपाल संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय, �...
Jyotish Ghanashyam Pokharelनेपाल संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालयब...
Jyotish Pandit Mukunda Nepalज्योतिष पण्डित मुकुन्द नेपाल�...
Jyotish Narayan Prasad Bhandariउप-प्राध्यापक (lecturer of Astrology), 'कुलपत...
Jyotish Hamro patroनेपाल संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय �...
Jyotish Vaman Sapkotaशिक्षा - व्याकरणाचार्य, पौरोही...
Jyotish Krishna Prasad Bhandariउपप्राध्यापक (Asst. professor of Sanskrit) नेपा�...
Jyotish Narayan Prasad Gautamगुरुकुल शिक्षा प्रणालीबाट ज्�...

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