World Tourism Day/Saptami Shraddha | विश्व पर्यटन दिवस/सप्तमी श्राद्ध | 2078 Ashwin 11 | Hamro Patro

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    Sep/Oct 2021
    2078 Ashwin
    Sep 27, 2021
    असोज कृष्ण षष्ठी
    World Tourism Day/Saptami Shraddha
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    World Tourism day: Physical programs will be held after two years of the global health crisis

    In April 2020, a group of Japanese who were ready to come to Nepal for mountaineering could not make it. Confined in their own homes due to the Corona epidemic, there are many such stories in previous years. Nepali national Dristi Adhikari had planned to trek the foothills of the Ganesh Himal via the Lapa Valley last year, but these things had to be put on hold until the situation returned to normal. The year 2021 is now taking thing things back to normal, we hope things get fine from the year 2021.

    The Ministry of Culture, Tourism, and Civil Aviation in Nepal and the bodies under it as well as the stakeholder organizations are preparing to mark the occasion physically this time amidst the COVID-19 pandemic by following the health safety protocols.

    It is hoped that the world's tourism industry, which was almost halted by Covid, will now gradually rise with the year 2021. Hotel closets are now slowly opening up, airports are slowly seeing crowds and people are excited again for their travels. The theme of the world for 2021 is Tourism for Inclusive growth, which means that tourism is the means of inclusive growth. Although Nepal declared a visit year in 2020 with ambition, the risk of infection of covid did not allow that ambition to move forward. May tourism grow with the expected progress in the coming years.

    Tourism is the biggest business in the world, this year every aspect of this business has been badly weighed down. Tourism for All: International Tourism Day is celebrated every year on September 27 with the slogan of promoting accessible global tourism.

     Tourism is the biggest industry in the world, tourism must be accessible to all. Whether we are living at home or traveling somewhere, maybe because of some disability or injury or because of having young children, because of a family, or because of old age, the elderly are being deprived of some way to go or take advantage of tourism. But sooner or later, the worldwide easy access to tourism and the benefits of tourism should be available to all.

    Easy tourism should be accessible to everyone in the world so that we can observe the beauty and diversity of the planet Earth. The meaning of life is certainly not narrow, in a broader context life means understanding new things, moving to new places, and gaining as much knowledge and experience as possible. Marco Polo, Vasco da Gama, Captain Cook, and others, whose explorations and travels have spread the wave of culture, civilization, and development in the world, also set out to discover new things and find new places and connect the world.

    On the other hand, tourism helps in earning foreign exchange, creating employment, sources of public and private income, cultural exchange, and enhancing the image of the nation.

    The COVID-19 pandemic has had a massive social and economic impact. Both developed and developing economies have been hit. And marginalized groups and the most vulnerable have been hit hardest of all. The restart of tourism will help kickstart recovery and growth. The benefits this will bring must be enjoyed widely and fairly.
    Best wishes

    Saptami Shradhha

    With the commencement of the Sorha Saddha may all the godlike Pitri in the Pitri realm between heaven and earth obtain salvation, may all the Pitri cross the Baitarni River, and may the ancestral love be maintained. Things like fasting, pilgrimage, shraddha, mela, etc., which have been made very risky by the risk of corona infection for the last two years, things are getting a little looser this year.

    May the blessings of the ancestors be maintained, may goodness and good wishes are maintained, and we are the remnants of the ancestors in today's form, aren't we?

    Tarpan, Diyo Puja, Vishwedeva Brahman, and other pujas can be performed before the appointed time. There is a belief that if the Pinda is not donated at this time, the Pitris will not get it. Sanatana Philosophy largely acknowledges the importance of Pitri in the existence of life and the universe.

    In Vedic Sanatan Sanskrit, Pitrikarma i.e. shraddha is usually performed twice, regular shraddha is performed on the tithi of death and another shraddha is performed during the period of Sorha shraddhas. May peace and happiness prevail in every family with the commencement of this year's Sorha Shraddha Wishing for the salvation of the Pitri who passed away on the Saptami Shraddha date.

     Suyog Dhakal

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