International Day For The Preservation Of The Ozone Layer | विश्व ओजोन तह बचाउ दिवस | 2078 Bhadra 31 | Hamro Patro

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    Aug/Sep 2021
    2078 Bhadra
    Sep 16, 2021
    भदौ शुक्ल दशमी
    International Day For The Preservation Of The Ozone Layer
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    International Day For The Preservation Of The Ozone Layer

    September 16, 1987, also known as World Ozone Day, commemorates the day Montreal was signed by 24 nations to reduce the production of ozone-depleting substances. Such harmful elements include chlorofluorocarbons and 94 other chemicals.

    This World Ozone Day has been celebrated since 1995. The slogan for this day in 2021 is "Montreal Protocol - Keeping us, our food, and vaccines cool". In a world that is gradually rising above COVID terror, the analogy has been used to keep both food and vaccines at the right temperature.

    Primary and secondary school curricula in any continent or country around the world provide information on how to protect the ozone layer, climate change, and depleted ozone layer. It's plausible many of us may have read and heard about issues like the ozone layer and climate change at the school level. These issues are also included in various UN education packages and curricula. Various events around the world celebrate Ozone Day on September 16 every year.

    The ozone, about 15 to 30 km above the Earth's atmosphere, is a protective shield. This prevents the sun's harmful rays from entering the earth directly. Due to human activities and uncontrolled industrialization and the use of excessive chemicals, such ozone layers have begun to deplete and deplete.

    The depleted ozone layer cannot be repaired by humans on its own, and the conservation of ozone is essential for the protection of humans and civilization. Smoke from motionless engines in traffic jams and their heat produce chlorofluorocarbons from vehicle paint and air conditioning.

    Preservation of the ozone layer requires the availability of reliable means of public transport and the promotion of low-fuel sources such as bicycles and pedestrians.
    Simply put, life on Earth will not be possible without sunlight, but the energy emanating from the sun is too harmful to anything to survive, when in direct contact with it. The ozone layer is a stratospheric layer that acts as a shield for the earth, protecting it from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation.

    In 1970, when scientists first discovered the hole in the ozone layer, it was a matter of grave concern. They raised the alarm and informed people on how to best reduce their carbon emissions which are the leading cause of harm to the ozone layer. With this in mind, the world’s governments banded together and formed the Vienna Convention in 1985. Under the convention, they established the Montreal Protocol which dictated that governments, scientists, and industries work together and cut out 99% of all ozone-depleting substances.

    World Ozone Day offers an opportunity to focus global attention and action on this vital environmental issue. The theme for the celebration of this year's World Ozone Day to be marked on 16th September is "Montreal Protocol - Keeping us, our food, and vaccines cool".

    Montreal Protocol – keeping us, our food, and vaccines cool

    The Montreal Protocol started life as a global agreement to protect the ozone layer, a job it has done well, making it one of the most successful environmental agreements to date. A united global effort to phase out ozone-depleting substances means that today, the hole in the ozone layer is healing, in turn protecting human health, economies, and ecosystems. But, as this year’s World Ozone Day seeks to highlight, the Montreal Protocol does so much more – such as slowing climate change and helping to boost energy efficiency in the cooling sector, which contributes to food security.

    It is important to pass on the foundation of a clean and safe world to the next generation.
    Creation is not possible without the sun, it is our responsibility to protect the ozone that selects the sun's rays. Our existence is hidden in the protection of ozone. Happy Ozone Layer Security Day

    Suyog Dhakal

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