Ajaa Ekadashi | अजा एकादशी | 2078 Bhadra 17 | Hamro Patro

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    Aug/Sep 2021
    2078 Bhadra
    Sep 02, 2021
    भदौ कृष्ण एकादशी*
    Ajaa Ekadashi
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    Ajaa Ekadashi

    The eleventh day of Krishna Paksha in the month of Bhadra of each year is called "Ajaa Ekadashi". This day is celebrated as a fast and festival by the followers of Sanatan Dharma living in different countries including Nepal and India.

    According to the scriptures, Chakravarti King Harishchandra got back his lost family and kingdom by fasting on this day. King Harishachandra of ancient times could not pay the price of his deeds and gave up all his kingdom and wealth and made himself and his family slaves of King Chandal.

    After spending many years as a slave, the truth-teller Harish Chandra became very worried about his condition. At that time, he met a sage Gautam to alleviate his worries. After Harishchandra expressed his concern to Gautam Rishi, Gautam Rishi asked him to observe the methodical fast of Ekadashi named Aja of Bhadrapad Krishna Paksha.

    According to the sage Gautam, the fast of Ekadashi was observed and awakened, all the sins of the king were destroyed by the effect of that fast. The king then regained his family and kingdom. From that time onwards, it has been believed that fasting in full observance of the rules and regulations of this Ekadashi will destroy all kinds of sins.

    Aja Ekadashi is the third Ekadashi under Chaturmas. On this Ekadashi day, like other Ekadashis, one should follow the rules and methods of fasting and worship Lord Srihari in the form of Rishikesh.

    The fast of this Ekadashi is being observed tomorrow, today the Rishikesh form of Lord Vishnu is acknowledged and worshipped. 

    Peace and prosperity prevail in every corner of this planet.   

     Suyog Dhakal 

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