Ravisaptami Vrata/International Day against Nuclear Tests | रविसप्तमी व्रत/विश्व आणविक परिक्षण विरुद्धको दिवस | 2078 Bhadra 13 | Hamro Patro

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    Aug/Sep 2021
    2078 Bhadra
    Aug 29, 2021
    भदौ कृष्ण सप्तमी
    Ravisaptami Vrata/International Day against Nuclear Tests
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    Ravi Saptami

    If the Sunday falls on the Saptami tithi, this day is considered as Ravi Saptami, today is Sunday and the tithi is the seventh day or Saptami. On the day of such a coincidence, worship of Lord Surya Narayan, fasting, etc. is performed. Worshiping the Sun God, the revered deity of the Navagrahas and the gods, by enlightening the whole world with the radiance of His nature. Worshiping the inspiring Sun God on this day to attain the position, prestige, prosperity, child happiness, and the desired outcome. The Sun God is considered to be the Sattvic form of Brahma in the dawn, the Sun God who gives Tamo guna at noon is considered to be the form of Devadi Dev Mahadev during the afternoon, and the Sun which exists in the majestic form in the evening art is considered to be the Vishnu form. Sun, in itself, is a mixture of several forms and features of god and godly power, a reference point of this creation and the lord of all planets.

     Surya is depicted with chakra, which is called Dharma Chakra and depicted as an epithet for major Sanatan gods, Brahma, Vishnu, and Maheshwar.

     उदय ब्रह्मणोरुपं मध्यान्हेतु महेश्वर: ।
     अस्तकाले स्वयं विष्णु त्रिमूर्तिश्च दिवाकर: ।।

     In the process of worshiping and adoring Bhagavan Surya with twelve characteristics, Dhata, Aryama, Mitra, Varuna, Indra, Vivasvanta, Pukha, Parjanya, Anshavan, Bhaga, Tvashta, Vishnu, etc. 12 forms are worshiped.

     The brightly shining Sun signifies the power of universal consciousness, Vedas declares the Surya to be the creator of this universe and more parallel universes. Darwin also brings the same logic in his theory of evolution, the unicellular creator evolves into a human being in this universe because of the favorable environment contributed by the Sun. Vedas states that wisdom, vision, self-determination, realization, power, light, and lives are the output of the sun and its rays. Ravi Saptami is a simple acknowledgment of Satan ritual towards the Sun, as Suryanarayanan.

     Generally, fasting is done on Sunday to make the sun happy and bring good results. There is a scriptural statement that the fast of Sunday should start from the auspicious coincidence of Ravisaptami or the first Sunday of the Shukla Paksha. On the occasion of such auspicious coincidence, Surya Narayan should be worshiped by wearing red attires. If it is possible to fast for twelve months that’s perfect, but for those who can't make twelve months can fast for twelve Sundays. On the day of fasting, one can fast by worshiping Surya Narayan and requesting Argha. Argha means offering water to the Lord Surya with folded hands.

     By doing such fasting etc., the knowledge and intellect will be as bright as the sun and according to astrology, if there is a solar defect and planetary pain in the birth horoscope of the person born, the worship done on such an auspicious day will reduce the planetary pain and get auspicious blessings of Suryanarayana.

     Mantra of Surya Argha
     एहि सूर्य सहस्रांशो तेजोराशे जगत्पते ।
     अनुकम्पय मां भक्त्या गृहाणार्घं दिवाकरः ।।
     ॐ भूर्ब्भुवः स्वः जगतसाक्षिणे श्रीसूर्यनारायणाय नामः ।।

     Meaning, Lord Surya shall take care of wisdom, position, success, health, popularity, and all my desires.

     May light and life always favor.

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