Nirjala ekadashi Brata/World Yoga Day/ Music Day | निर्जला एकादशी व्रत (तुलसीको दल राख्ने)/विश्व योग दिवस / संगीत दिवस | 2078 Aashadha 7 | Hamro Patro

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    Jun/Jul 2021
    2078 Aashadha
    Jun 21, 2021
    जेठ शुक्ल एकादशी
    Nirjala ekadashi Brata/World Yoga Day/ Music Day
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    Nirjala Ekadashi : The day to plant Tulsi seeds

    पत्रं पुष्पं फलं तोयं यो में भक्त्या प्रयच्छति। तदहं भक्त्युपह्रतमश्रामि प्रयतात्मनस्।।
    Lord Krishna himself from the verses of Bhaggwat Geeta, hereby commencing a divine start to today's write-up.

    That is to say, I readily accept the fruits, flowers, water, etc., which are devotionally offered with a selfless spirit. In the name of Lord Krishna, we would like to sing the praises of this year's Nirjala Ekadashi, Nirjala i.e. Ekadashi without water, Ekadashi is observed with devotion by fasting without water. Since water is not consumed, there is no question of food or fruits, it is customary for the extremely hungry and pious mind to transmit positive energy and power to the mind and every organ of the body on this Ekadashi. This Ekadashi is also known as Pandava Ekadashi and Bhima Ekadashi.

    It was customary for five Pandavas and Draupadi to fast on each Ekadashi, but Bhima, who was very fond of food and could not compromise on food, could never break his addiction to food during the fast. Bhima was worried about this and went and told Guru Vyas about this problem. And when Guru Vyas hears Bhima's words, he tells Bhima to fast on Nirjala Ekadashi to get the blessings of the entire 52 Ekadashis at once. Thus this Ekadashi is ritually observed by Bhima, hence this Ekadashi is also called Bhim Ekadashi and Pandava Ekadashi. After the fast of this waterless Ekadashi as Jeshta Shukla Ekadashi, it is customary to get up in the morning on the day of Dwadashi, to be pure and to take food only by giving alms.

    Kirtan and hymns of Lord Bishnu have special significance in this Ekadashi. It is customary to donate earthenware pots, hand-made fans made of bamboo, etc. It is customary to perform Sandhya Vandanam one day before Nirjala Ekadashi, devotees keep the holy water pot (Achamuni) in their palm and perform this Sandhya bandana.

    Leaving the context of the Mahabharata, Bhima observes this Ekadashi fast with all his food cravings in mind, but the next morning Bhima is found semi-conscious due to hunger and thirst. Then Bhima is raised by giving holy water to Ganga and Tulsipat. This Ekadashi is also the Ekadashi that achieves victory over attachments and desire. May this year's Nirjala Ekadashi be for the welfare of all.

    This Ekadashi is specific because the Tulsai seeds are grounded this day, may the sprout behold life, disseminate hope, and prevailing love. The glory of this Ekadashi destroys the corona terror and the components of this virus. Let anxiety and stress go down, let there be the communication of love.

    World Yoga Day

    Moreover, this year, due to the Lockdown and Corona terror, human beings have been living in a state of contraction and living inside houses. Human life based on wandering and socialization is confined to the walls of the house, it seems to affect both the mind and thoughts. In this case, the importance of the dimensions of yoga will increase this year and in the years to come.

    The Yoga Sutras are credited to Adiyogi Lord Shiva. The yoga practices that started from Shiva have come to us through generations of Saptarishis, scholars, sages, and Gurus. According to architectural studies, the idol of Lord Shiva in the meditation posture is considered to be the oldest. There is also an idol of Mahavira Jain, meditating. Another basis of yoga is the meditation idol of Lord Buddha, this idol is considered world famous. According to another statement, credit for yoga is given to Lord Krishna. Among the many names of Lord Krishna, Yogeshwar is also worshiped. Even UNESCO has registered yoga as its intangible cultural heritage since 2016.

     World Yoga Day is celebrated on the 21st of June every year. Sadguru Jaggi Basdev, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, and the Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi is among the inaugural personalities of this Yoga Day which was started to be celebrated in 2014. This formula of Yoga Day has been established by the United Nations itself and yoga has been taken as the index of millennium development. The world community understands that development and prosperity are not possible without personal peace and health.

     Modern medicine attaches great importance to the treatment and physical aspects of the disease, while yoga practice focuses on peace of mind, self-control, purification of the mind and spirituality, as well as positive decentralization of human strength and mind. As the value of one's importance and presence in one's eyes is awakened through yoga, yoga is also the only simple and easy way to increase mental illness and self-esteem.

     We have found in various books and articles on the subject of yoga that it is clear that yoga can help to satisfy the mind beyond time and can also give a deep knowledge of the purpose of life. Yoga is an ancient instrument to transcend above physical and monetary desires and find a sustainable source of happiness that is absolute. Yoga is considered to be not only an exercise but also the basis, philosophy, and reality of life.

     Plenty of books and examples illustrate the fact that from Gautama Buddha to Christ, from Shiva to Krishna, and various other philosophy-centered Mahatmas practiced yoga during their lifetimes.

     Since yoga is a really deep subject, it cannot be defined by loose words and explanations, however, the importance of yoga is abundant in all of us in today's hectic life. The money we earn, the car, the body, the beauty, and the affluence will run out with time but our spiritual purity, thoughts, and positive waves will last forever.

     From billionaires to saints, we all need to answer with our hands on our chests; is there peace in our lives? Are we happy? Human nature is beyond self-control, it is a creature indulging in greed, lust, and indulgence for material gain, human beings are the only creatures in the world who spend their whole life for their grid of needs and security, and it does not apply to other creatures.
     But the real value of life and the pure concept of peace is far beyond material achievement. This does not mean that to adopt yoga, one has to become a saint by staying away from the material world, but by practicing yoga and understanding the importance of yoga, we are sure to be successful and healthy even in daily life and health. Yoga is essential for an egalitarian world, yoga is life, and let's study more about it, adopt it, and achieve a happy and peaceful life.

    Happy World Yoga Day!

    World Music day

    Although the concept of Music Day was introduced by American composer Joel Cohen in 1976, it was formally introduced in France in 1982.

     The day was first observed in France on June 21, 1981, according to French artist Maurice Fleuret Kosoch. Since then, every year on the 21st of June, 'World Music Day' has been celebrated. Music Day is now celebrated as a special festival in more than 100 countries around the world.

     Music is a universal language that has been presented or understood by the world in its way. In Nepal, a country of many races, languages, religions, and cultures, music can be heard abundantly, whether it is a Nyauli Vaka or a melodious melody coming out of the vibration of Murchunga, Nepali traditional music instrument. Madal, sarangi to dhime, dholak to tungana, and bansuri to binayo are instruments that add Nepali ownership to Nepali music creations.

     For some, music can be an expression, for others, music can be a profession, for some, it can be a friend, for others, it can be an addiction. Eastern classical music, nomadic music, from blues to hip-hop, from rap to metal, and from folk to ghazals, music has spread worldwide.

     In the Vedic Sanatan rites, for centuries, it has been the custom to play conch shells while performing every pious or regular ritual. The conch shell played in a single tune (Ekohoro Sankha) alarms on the happening death rituals and double tuned conch shell alarms on the happening auspicious rituals, music, and tunes are also the alarms and public notices. This has been going on since time immemorial.

     Bhajans, kirtans, rodhis, alaps, operas, mushahyaras, mehfils, and manchas are popular because of the music. The pain of gayines (Traditional Nepali musicians) to singing the national anthem is heart-touching because of the music.

     Again, music is not just instruments, songs, or melodic sounds, its range is vast, perhaps like the infinite range of the sky. The sound of water dripping from Balesi, the morning alarm of cuckoos, the bells of the temple, the prayers of the mosque, the hymns of the church, and the roar of the river, Music flows everywhere.

     When music leaves its mark on the heart through the ears, it makes a sound, there is such power in music. Music connoisseurs choose music not only to listen but also to experience its diversity. Music Day has been celebrated in Nepal since Bikram Samvat 2045 BS. Music Day is celebrated with the participation of seekers and singers, writers, composers, musicians, and music lovers active in the field of music and art.

     Nepal Music Association has been holding a special program in Kathmandu every year on the occasion of Music Day. On this occasion, art and music-related seminars, discussions, and music composers are also honored. Nepal has also been using Music Day as an opportunity to connect with world music.

     We want to remember and acknowledge all lovers and creators of music and the overall musicians of the Nepali environment and languages. From Bakhat Bahadur Budhapirti to Bekhaman, from Ambar Gurung to Sunil Bardewa, from Kul Pokhrel to Yama Buddha (Anil Adhikari), and all known and unknown composers whose music has explained the original Nepali music born of Nepali soil.

     Mother Saraswati is always graceful in Nepali music, may every creator get the real value and credit of their musical creation. May Nepali music spread its master Sargam sound in the world market, Happy 'World Music Day'!

     Suyog Dhakal

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    Hamro Patro - Connecting Nepali Communities
    Hamro Patro is one of the first Nepali app to include Nepali Patro, launched in 2010. We started with a Nepali Calendar mobile app to help Nepalese living abroad stay in touch with Nepalese festivals and important dates in Nepali calendar year. Later on, to cater to the people who couldn’t type in Nepali using fonts like Preeti, Ganesh and even Nepali Unicode, we built nepali mobile keyboard called Hamro Nepali keyboard.