World Sports Journalist Day | विश्व खेलकुद पत्रकार दिवस | 2078 Aashadha 18 | Hamro Patro

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    Jun/Jul 2021
    2078 Aashadha
    Jul 02, 2021
    असार कृष्ण अष्टमी
    World Sports Journalist Day
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    International sports journalist day

    Euro cup 2020 is running now. Sitting awake all night watching the match, sports lovers are heard shouting. In this way, I wish all the sports journalists in 2021 a happy Sports Journalist's Day. Many many thanks to every sports journalist, for making it possible to watch sports programs and news from one corner of the world to the other, without them, sports could've never crossed the border.

    Many of us watch football matches of different leagues at night, shout and post status on Facebook as soon as our favorite team scores a goal. We are fans of many sports including cricket, table tennis, golf, wrestling, aren't we? Thus, the International Day of Sports Journalists, which disseminates, publishes, promotes, and broadcasts sports-related news, is celebrated on July 2 every year.

    Today, the rights, interests, and professionalism of sports journalists are discussed all over the world. This day has been celebrated since 1994.

    Because of the journalists who take big cameras in risky races and sit at high altitudes and risk their lives, we get to watch live and clear audio-visuals at home. During the filming of many racing sports including cars, motorcycles, water boats, F1, journalists are always in the shadows while filming with the lens of the camera in their hands, they risk their life up in the air hanging on a chopper below underneath a bunker and even underwater.

     In some cases, we do not even know the names of the journalists who died in the course of sports news coverage. Today, the world remembers those brave and dutiful journalists. There is no country or language of sport, so African runners are popular in Asia, and Asian swimmers are popular in Africa, Europe, and the Americas. Photos of Messi, Beckham, Ronaldo are affixed to Nepal's rural tea shops, Isn't this enough evidence for sports fascination?

    These pictures are also taken by a hard-working sports journalist. If they are not sports journalists, the market and context of sports will shrink globally.

    Being a sports journalist requires not only risk and hard work but also knowledge. Only journalists who have a thorough knowledge of the game, rules, and practices, and critical thinking can be sports journalists. Let's remember that while we are watching the scene of a swimmer swimming on TV, a sports journalist is soaking in the water and following the swimmers while swimming with the camera. Moreover, the contribution and hard work of sports journalists in exclusive sports events like the World Cup, football, cricket, etc. is commendable.

    We don't like to watch sports stale, so we "Hamro Patro" salute all the sports journalists around the world who bring the same game and results to us without making the slightest mistake for the live broadcast. Sports journalists are not seen as a formal business or a dream of the next generation in Nepal. Let the star of sports journalism grow in Nepal these days.

     Suyog Dhakal

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