International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking | अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय लागू पदार्थ तथा अवैध तस्करी विरुद्ध दिवस | 2078 Aashadha 12 | Hamro Patro

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    Jun/Jul 2021
    2078 Aashadha
    Jun 26, 2021
    असार कृष्ण द्वितीया
    International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
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    International day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking

    International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is being observed on Saturday, 26 June 2021. This day is celebrated to spread awareness against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking which are important issues of current times.

    Drug Abuse Meanings
    Drug abuse means the use or consumption of drugs like Marijuana, Alcohol, Cocaine, Valium, and Percocet, etc. Alcohol is the most abused drug in the world perhaps because its consumption is allowed by many countries. More than half (51.8%) of the US citizens are drinkers. The UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) claims that around 200 million around the world are drug addicts.

    Illicit Trafficking Meanings
    Illicit Trafficking refers to the smuggling or trafficking of small arms, explosives, and light weapons. Such arms are trafficked all over the world however some regions which are afflicted by violence, armed conflicts, and organized crime are more vulnerable to the Illicit Trafficking of arms.

    It’s a key lath on the United Nations war on drugs and drug trafficking, marking the early efforts of China to combat the opium trade. This step is widely regarded as the first international effort to control drug trafficking, starting with international war on drugs.

    The decision to observe June 26 of each year as the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is mentioned in section 112 of 42 of the 1987 United Nations Declaration. The sole purpose of this day is to free the world community from the effects of drugs and trafficking.

    Psychologists say that most drug users and traffickers in the world are young because people at this age are at high risk and in a fluid state.

    The desire to make a lot of money in a short period and drug addiction is putting more and more young people at risk of drug abuse and trafficking. Over the past century, drug trafficking has multiplied, with unbalanced drug use alone killing 190,000 people each year, and the number of people abusing it is uncertain.

    Due to open borders (India) and its direct impact, Nepal is not immune to this problem. Drug trafficking is sure to lead to crime and chaos, as well as the spread of various diseases such as HIV and hepatitis.

    Drug trafficking and use in Nepal has been on the rise since the post-1960 hippie regime, with unauthorized cultivation and use of marijuana and easy imports from India, as well as weak state regulation. On the other hand, the number of people buying and injecting various drugs using the medicine and medical papers is also increasing in Nepal, which is a very serious thing.
    The administration seems to be almost silent even when street children are openly sniffing dendrites, we need more practical and sustainable solutions to it. Commercially opened drug rehabilitation centers in various cities of Nepal and their commercial success is explaining our real situation.

    On this special day, International Day against Drugs and Illicit Trafficking, the Nepali government, community, and stakeholders need to work hand in hand on this issue.

    Tobacco usage is the most prevalent substance in Nepal followed by alcohol and marijuana. Alcohol and other drug abuse and addiction have contributed to violent behavior in youths, which is a major public health and security problem. It has been estimated that there are 50 thousand to 60 thousand drug abusers in Nepal, which is not based on any reliable data or survey.

    It is also said that a large network of drug smugglers is active in Nepal using the weak state system. Their network is found to be effective in airports, customs, borders, and import-export centers. Today, we all need to unite against drug trafficking and trafficking and lobby for the law and its effective observance. Let everyone pay attention to this on the International Day against Drugs and Illicit Trafficking.

    Suyog Dhakal

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