Ganga Saptami Wrata | गङ्गा सप्तमी व्रत | 2078 Jestha 4 | Hamro Patro

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    May/Jun 2021
    2078 Jestha
    May 18, 2021
    वैशाख शुक्ल षष्ठी
    Ganga Saptami Wrata
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    Ganga Saptami Vrata

    The river Ganga is considered to be the center of faith of Hindus. The importance of the Ganges is described in many scriptures, Mahabharata epic cites mother Ganga as a vital character of the sequence. Lord Shiva carries this holy river in his head and a Hindu circle of spiritual life is largely incomplete without visiting, worshiping, and taking a dip in this river.

    The existence of holiness has been an emotional belief of all Hindus in Mother Ganga. Ganga Saptami is also celebrated as Ganga Jayanti in many places. Various statements about the origin of the Ganges are found in the Vedic Sanatan rites.

    Today, the day of Baisakh Shukla Saptami is considered to be the date of the rebirth of Ganga. Today, it has been believed that all the sins of the people who take a dip in the Ganges will be removed and they will be saved. Today, if one is unable to bathe in the Ganges, it is believed that one can attain virtue by bathing in the water of the Ganges at home. Let me add a fact here, every Sanatana Hindu philosophy followers (No matter wherever they are on the planet) keep some Ganga water at their home in a bottle to use during holy and auspicious occasions. Birth, death, mourn and all sort of rituals are incomplete without the Avisekh of Ganga Jal in Sanatan philosophy. Today, special Ganga temples are worshiped with reverence. People observe holy fast on this day.

    A peculiar fact about Ganga this year is after several decades Ganga is historically cleansed this year, this is because of the decreasing human activities and interventions during the lockdown. Ganga is now crystal clear, may this be sustained.

    This year, there is a fear of corona terror on every bank of the Ganges in the Indian subcontinent. There are reports of dead bodies floating on some banks of the Ganges. Ganga has irrigated both life and death. There is life in Ganga and there is Ganga in life. Today is a meaningful day, utmost wishes of Gangasaptami.

    Suyog Dhakal

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