International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression | निर्दोष बालबालिका माथि अत्याचार विरुद्धको दिवस | 2078 Jestha 21 | Hamro Patro

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    May/Jun 2021
    2078 Jestha
    Jun 04, 2021
    जेठ कृष्ण नवमी*
    International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression
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    International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression

    The bud stays before the flower blooms, the buds can be taken as an example of the childhood of the flower, right?

    Just as every flower has come through its infancy, so every human flower also passes through infancy. Probably due to such important and sweet memories of childhood, a Persian poet wrote:

    Take away these assets
    Take these name and fame I posses
    If you can return, the rains of my childhood
    Those paper boats and those July memories

    But everyone's childhood may not be sweet. The child's rights and sweetness of childhood are being eroded due to various reasons such as injustice, atrocities, and war crimes. On the other hand, incidents of violence and atrocities against such innocent children are also taking place frequently.

    Children of every human flower and their protection of rights are things that should be easily guaranteed by today's world. Every year on June 4, at the call of the United Nations, International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression is celebrated around the world with various programs.

    Discussing the physical, mental, and emotional pains suffered by children due to various reasons, discussions, and awareness are also held to prevent this from happening now. The commitment of the United Nations to the rights of the child is also discussed today.
    The purpose of the day is to acknowledge the pain suffered by children throughout the world who are the victims of physical, mental, and emotional abuse. This year and in the recent one, millions of children are locked inside the home, schools closed, outdoor games closed, the world shall express empathy to the compromises children have been doing across the globe.

    This day is celebrated in various ways by global organizations working for children, governments, goodwill ambassadors, the media, and many stakeholders like you and me. How careful are we to choose a leadership that embraces the rights and affections of children?

    We are all together for the rights of children and a child-friendly environment, aren't we? May the world dare to talk about the right of Syrian, Libyan and African kids, may the stakeholders of wars also realize how important is child protection for the entire human race, God resides in children, truly.

     Suyog Dhakal

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