World No Tobacco Day | विश्व सुर्तीजन्य पदार्थ विरुद्धको दिवस | 2078 Jestha 17 | Hamro Patro

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    May/Jun 2021
    2078 Jestha
    May 31, 2021
    जेठ कृष्ण पञ्चमी*
    World No Tobacco Day
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    May 31 "World No Tobacco Day" is celebrated around the world.

    When the smoky creature of cigarettes comes out of the mouth of a human being, sometimes this columnist feels that the fighting creature of freedom and democracy is itself a slave of smoke. Compromising with every aspect of their bodies and precious lives, people are killing themselves in installments for this slavery.

     Today, World No Tobacco Day is also celebrated in Nepal. This day is celebrated on May 31 at the call of the World Health Organization to minimize the damage caused by Tobacco and controlling tobacco products. Did you know? In Nepal, more than 25,000 people die every year due to tobacco. One out of every 10 adults in the world dies prematurely due to Tobacco. 

    The slogan of the 2021 World No Tobacco Day is committed to quitting. The anti-smoking campaign has a special significance this year as the whole world is battling corona infections with respiratory problems. That's why this year's slogan is Commitment to Quit Smoking.

    Increasing concerns over the lack of effective implementation of the legal provision that prohibits pregnant women and those below 18 years of age from buying and selling tobacco products in Nepal is yet not addressed.

    Nowadays, buyers are discouraged by putting pictures of human faces, organs damaged due to smoking in cigarette packs. Compared to other countries, the implementation of strict laws and provisions for Tobacco user's is weak here. Even though there is a provision to take action against smokers in public places, no effective regulation and implementation has been achieved in Nepal. Clean lungs, a healthy heart, and a beautiful future. Keep the dignity of the day against Tobacco! Wish you all a healthy life!!!

    Suyog Dhakal

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