Pradosh Vrata/World BreastFeeding Week | प्रदोष व्रत/विश्व स्तनपान सप्ताह प्रारम्भ | 2081 Shrawan 17 | Hamro Patro

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    Jul/Aug 2024
    2081 Shrawan
    Aug 01, 2024
    साउन कृष्ण द्वादशी
    Pradosh Vrata/World BreastFeeding Week
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    Pradosh Vrata/World BreastFeeding Week

    Triodashi is called Pradosh. Like Ekadashi, Pradosh is important every month, Vishnu is remembered in Ekadashi, and Shiva is remembered in Pradosh. Pradosh begins 45 minutes before sunset and ends 45 minutes after sunset.

    Som Pradosh
    Today is Som Pradosh Vrat as it is Pradosh Vrat on Monday. Monday is considered to be Shiva's beloved day, so it is believed that those who fast today and praises Lord Shiva, will attain immense purity and boons.

    Pradosha Katha
    It is mentioned in the scriptures that Lord Shiva cured the disease of the moon on the day of Triodashi when the effect of the moon was diminishing.

    Due to this, Pradosh Vrat is observed in the Triodashi every month in remembrance of Lord Shiva. It is more fruitful to worship Shiva in the time of Pradosh

    World BreastFeeding Week
    In Nepali society, which is living on a minimal basis, there are many types of shame and bullying, and there is a persistent dictionary for such shame and bullying, such as physical shame, social shame, the shame of gender choice, the shame of caste or religion, shame of infertility even in the changed perspective of the new millennium.

    Today I would like to discuss a shame that is felt not only in Nepal but in all parts of the world, cities, and villages, the shame of breastfeeding a child. There is no victory in this shame and if women do not have children, they are ridiculed more than men.

    It is also considered ridiculous to take care of a child outside the home, especially if you are breastfeeding your baby in a public place. Tragic things happen if you are a woman but for various other reasons such as non-availability of breast milk or due to office hours or any other reason a woman not being able to breastfeed her baby and should be fed milk from other sources or nutritious food or formula. In such a situation, mothers are made very ashamed in society.

    While it is considered normal for people to urinate on the side of the road, it is a matter of ridicule and shame for women to take care of their babies according to their circumstances or settings.

    This society has made it a very private and secret subject for us for centuries. It is not a secret because raising a baby is not a crime and taking care of a baby as a mother is a matter of pride for all mankind.

    Suyog Dhakal

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