Yogini Ekadashi Vrata/World Sports Journalist Day | योगिनी एकादशी व्रत/विश्व खेलकुद पत्रकार दिवस | 2081 Aashadha 18 | Hamro Patro

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    Jun/Jul 2024
    2081 Aashadha
    Jul 02, 2024
    असार कृष्ण एकादशी
    Yogini Ekadashi Vrata/World Sports Journalist Day
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    Yogini Ekadashi Vrata/World Sports Journalist Day

    Yogini Ekadashi Vrata Special Audio

    When is Yogini Ekadashi ?
    Yogini Ekadashi falls in the Krishna paksha of Asaramas or the month of Asar.

    What is done in Yogini Ekadashi ?
    Today, an idol of Lord Narayan is installed by fasting, and is revered. Offering vog means offering food, fruits, Naivedh, etc. It is the broad spectrum of living; Sanatan people consider the idol as a living god and treats it with grain, devotion, and other offerings. People donate to needy people under the grace of that idol, they lighten the incense sticks and also perform Aaratis.

    Worshiping Peepal tree on this Ekadashi destroys all sins and attains paradise after death. Peepal is the fairest plant, with its root reaching far, people won't prefer to plant it nearby houses, everyone worships the giant Peepal tree; however, no one fights for its fruit as Peepal fruit is not edible for human. Peepal's wood is not for household purpose, so Peepal brings lesser community greed and quarrel and more communal worship and gatherings underneath.

    From the day of Dashmi, any tamasic food, including barley, wheat, or mung bean, is avoided. Apart from that, salt consumption refrained from fasting and one day in advance. Salt consumption accelerates the wandering characteristics of our mind, avoiding salt consumption means stabilizing the mind and bringing peace within.

    Vrata Katha of Yogini Ekadashi
    In the kingdom of Alkapuri, Shivaji's supreme devotee Kuber Raja's kingdom, he used flowers in worship. Thus, a gardener named Hemmali used to bring flowers for the worship of the king. One day, Hemamali forgets to bring the daily worship flowers as he was having fun with his wife in Mansarovar.

    Angered by the delay in worshiping his beloved Lord Shiva for not bringing flowers on time, King Kuber angrily curses Hemmali for the deprivation of a woman and for being sick. Due to his devotion to Shiva, Hemmali did not lose his conscience. His pursuit is to liberate from the curse and gets advice from a Rishi/ sage.

    World Sports Journalist Day

    Many of us watch football matches of different leagues at night, shout and post status on Facebook as soon as our favorite team scores a goal. We are fans of many sports including cricket, table tennis, golf, wrestling, aren't we? Thus, the International Day of Sports Journalists, which disseminates, publishes, promotes and broadcasts sports related news, is celebrated on July 2 every year.

    Today, the rights, interests and professionalism of sports journalists are discussed all over the world. This day has been celebrated since 1994.

    What is sports journalism?
    Sports journalism is a branch of journalism concerned with reporting news related to sports. It originated in the early 1800s and has covered all sports-related news and events since then. World Sports Journalists Day is observed annually to celebrate this form of journalism and the people engaged in it.

    In the digital era, the pace of sports journalism has increased significantly. It requires great skill and expertise to cover such competitive news. World Sports Journalist Day is a great initiative to honor sports journalists and acknowledge their hard work.

    -Suyog Dhakal

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