Teachers Day/Bhanu Jayanti/Byas Jayanti | गुरु पूर्णिमा/भानु जयन्ती/व्यासजयन्ती | 2079 Aashadha 29 | Hamro Patro

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    Jun/Jul 2022
    2079 Aashadha
    Jul 13, 2022
    असार शुक्ल पूर्णिमा
    Teachers Day/Bhanu Jayanti/Byas Jayanti
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    Guru Poornima | Vyasa Jayanti/ Bhanu Jayanti


    ॐ असतो मा सद्गमय ।
     तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय ।
     मृत्योर्मा अमृतं गमय ।
     ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

     That is

    "O, God! Always allow me to embrace the truth, do not keep me in the darkness of ignorance, always give me the light of knowledge and consciousness, show me the way towards it, and give me such knowledge that I can remain immortal in the light of knowledge beyond the fear of this materialistic illusionary cycle of life and death."

    May the day of Guru Poornima lighten every dismal night. May there be peace in this world, may there be embryonic peace, may there be primordial peace, and may there be spiritual peace.

    The meaning of the above mantra, which is appreciated by the Upanishads, illustrates the enlightenment of knowledge and its importance. The knowledge imparted by the Guru and its connection with human life has remained very deep.

    No matter what religion or denomination we belong to, Guru and gravity are of great importance for acquiring knowledge and skills, and in the world, knowledge is probably the only thing that grows as it is shared.

    Background of Guru Poornima
    On Ashadh Shukla Purni, i.e. Guru Purni, it is celebrated by showing reverence to the Guru who imparts education to oneself. On this day, knowledge is worshiped as a guru. This day is celebrated all over the planet on Gurupurni, showing respect and reverence for the Guru.

    Adherents of Sanatan Dharma and Buddhism consider this day as a special day to express their gratitude to the Guru who showed them the way to their religion and traditional cultural knowledge.

    From the darkness of ignorance and unconsciousness to the light of knowledge and consciousness, all the gurus who show the right path are worshiped today.

     "गुरु ब्रह्मा, गुरु विष्णु गुरु देवो महेश्वर,
     गुरु साक्षात् परमं ब्रह्मा तस्मै श्री गुरुवे नम:"

     "The Guru is Brahma, the Guru is Vishnu and the Guru is Lord Shankara. The Guru is the real Parabrahm, I greet such a Guru. "

    “Only a True Guru, who knows God and is in oneness with God, can connect you to God.”

    Life teaches us something at every turn, so being able to memorize every lesson will be the right use of Guru Purnima.

    Let's bow down and remember all the teachers, including Sir, Miss, Dai, and Didi. You can be both a good teacher and a good disciple. Happy Guru Purnima!

    Vyasa Jayanti

    Now I add another relevance and dedicate my words to a great scholar "Guru Vyasa", the one who compiled and crafted Mahabharata in his words. Guru Vyasa is traditionally credited for the compilation and creation of didactic poetry around the central heroic narrative of Mahabharata.

    Guru Vyasa
    Not just a writer, Vyasa is also remembered as a significant character of Mahabharata. Let me elaborate more on Vyasa's existence on Mahabharata, technically Vyasa and Bhisma are stepbrothers. The mother of Vyasa, Satyavati later married King Shantanu, Shantanu is the father of Bhisma. Shantanu promised to declare Satyabati's offspring as a crown prince but Shantanu had already declared Bhisma as a prince and heir to the throne. Knowing this, Bhisma later never made any claim to the throne in his pursuit of getting his father out of the distress. Tragically, both the sons of Satyavati died. Satyavati's premarital first-born, Vyasa, laments that his mother abandoned him to fate immediately after birth. He returns to his birthplace in search of his mother who, he finds out, is now the queen of Hastinapur.

    Vyasa is also known as a transcriber of Vedas and Puranas. Guru Vyasa is one of the eight Chiranjeevi (long-lived and immortals), these Chiranjeevi are still in existence. Guru Vyasa was born at the end of Treta Yuga and he witnessed the whole era of Dwapar Yuga. Vyasa's writings often bring the Yamuna river nostalgia and metaphors, he was born in a village at the bank of the river Yamuna.

    Guru Purnima is also known as Vyasa Purnima, the day when great scholar Vyasa was born and the day when he divided the Vedas.

    Vyasa is the greatest sage of eastern philosophy and Sanatan living, he edited four Vedas, wrote 18 Puranas, the epics Mahabharata and the Srimad Vagwatam, and even guided Dattatreya to gain knowledge, Vyasa is a guru of gurus.

    Bhanu Jayanti

    Bhanujayanti: A tribute to Bhanubhakta from Nepal

    "Background of Bhanu jayanti"
    On the day of Asar 29th, every year Bhanu Jayanti is celebrated. Bhanubhakta Acharya was born in 1871 BS in a place called Chundi Ramgha in present-day Tanahu district to a wealthy family. He lived for 54 years.

    Bhanu Bhakta and the rise and fall of Khas language
    As a Brahmin family was born, the education and upbringing of Bhanubhakta was done accordingly in religious and cultural disciplines. The present-day Nepali language was then called "Khas" language and this language was limited to general expressions rather than written ones. With the defeat of the "Khas" kings in the 15th century, the "Khas" language was also gradually ignored. He was the first Nepali language poet to express the essence of emotion inside the alphabetic map of Nepali language and words. That is why Bhanubhakta is called Adikavi. Bhanubhakta has immortalized his name because of his good deeds and outstanding contribution to Nepali language. His father Dhananjaya Acharya was a government official, who worked for General Amar Singh Thapa. Later Bhanubhakta, the son of Dhanjaya Acharya became the first poet of Nepal to write in Nepali language.

    Bhanubhakta then transcribed the entire Ramayana from Sanskrit into simple Nepali. Surprisingly, even though it was translated, the Ramayana of the Nepali version is divinely a combination of verse and emotion. To put it more broadly, Bhanubhakta can be said to have expanded the easy access of all Nepali by simplifying study and knowledge through language.

    Inspiration of the grass cutter/ Ghasi
    Bhanubhakta has learned from his society and environment, so his work is a confluence of society and practicality. In the life of a Bhanubhakta, a grass cutter has inspired him, simple grass cutter magnificently inspired Bhanubhakta and thus Bhanubhakta started to his pursuit of words and meanings. Even though the grass cutter is poor, the money earned by cutting the grass digs a well for drinking water for the society.

    Even though Bhanubhakta is richer than Ghansi (Grasscutter), he feels remorse for not doing anything for the society. Assimilating the fact of contributing to society, Bhanubhakta starts to contribute in his way, through words, meanings, poetry, and Nepali simplification of complex Sanskrit creations. The stories and sub-stories of Balakanda, Aranyakanda, Sunderkanda, Yuddhakanda, etc. in the Ramayana have provided entertainment, social, moral, and character education to the Nepali readers.

    Although Bhanubhakta created many other works besides "Ramayana", he has largely survived in the Nepali simple version of Ramayana. Listening to the Ramayana recited by the villagers together is more enjoyable than watching the current 3D or 4D movies. In this sense, Bhanubhakta's simple Ramayana is the starting point of today's Dohori and folk songs for Nepali society. Bhanubhakta introduced the excitement of rhythm and its usage in songs, dialect and lifestyles, Dohori is an example of this. Dohori is a typical dialogue based on certain context of rural life, love or issues where a male and female singer expresses their verdicts but in a rhythmic poetry form.

    Here is the Ghansi poem, Bhanubhakta dedicated to his inspiration "Grass cutter"
    भर् जन्म घाँस तिर मन् दिई धन कमायो
    नाम क्यै रहोस् पछि भनेर कुवा खनायो
    घाँसी दरिद्र घरको तर बुद्धि कस्तो
    म भानुभक्त धनी भैकन किन यस्तो
    मेरा ईनार न त सत्तल पाटिकै छन्
    जे धन चीजहरु छन् घर भित्रनै छन्
    त्यस घाँसीले कसरी आज दिए छ अर्ति
    धिक्कार हो म कन बस्नु न राखि किर्ति

    According to the context of the above words written by Bhanubhakta, he encountered a grass cutter who was saving a little bit of the money he made by selling the grass. This grass cutter wanted to build a drinking water well for the service of the public. When Bhanu heard the poor person’s determination, he realized that he hasn’t done anything for the public despite having a lot of wealth. Thus, he started writing Ramayan in Nepali from Sanskrit.

    Bhanubhakta's rhythm is completely different, that rhythm is still in Nepali vernacular. Many other poets after him have used this rhythm to recite their poems even today.

    In the memory of Bhanubaje i.e. Bhanubhakta, Bhanu Jayanti is celebrated in Nepal, Darjeeling, and other regions of India and all over the world with Nepali speaking society, be it Myanmar, Nepal, India, Bhutan or anywhere.
    Bhanubhakta is not only a poet but also a master of Nepali language and the rhythm of Bhanubhakta is still alive in every Nepali tongue. Many things were written against and with baseless criticisms of Bhanubhakta's contribution. There were also naked arguments that confines Bhanubhakta just as a translator, but those things are unfair to him. Translating verses and expressions, maintaining and even enhancing them, being able to be used by the masses for centuries and giving realistic proverbs, sayings, and rhyming expressions and being able to institutionalize all aspects of the Nepali language is the full definition and identity of Adikavi Bhanubhakta. Adi means immortal and Kavi is poet, Bhanubhakta shall always remain in the Nepali language.

    Bhanu Bhakta and Motiram Bhatta
    Yugakavi Moti Ram has published many other works of Bhanubhakta, while some even accuse him of writing most of the works of Bhanubhakta.

    Although Motiram, who studied in India, had a special interest in Urdu, Persian, and other languages, his dedication to the Nepali language and especially to the works of Bhanubhakta, proclaimed the wide scope and Nepaliness of the Nepali language. Motiram Bhatt is a name not to be missed on Bhanu Jayanti. After Moti Ram's long biography of Bhanubhakta, published in 1941 BS, Bhanubhakta's multi-faceted works have come to the notice of the masses. Even in the Indian Encyclopedia, Bhanubhakta is openly explained.

    The present generation needs to learn language from Bhanubhakta. In the memory of the great man who united the scattered languages, the great poets of Nepal, it is celebrated all over the world today. It is important to understand that Bhanubhakta is not an option but Bhanubhakta is the basis of our love and belongingness to the Nepali language.

    The study, research, and development of the Nepali language will be the true homage to Adikavi.
    New Nepali generation who can entirely recite Shakespeare's poems and English songs are seeking for an environment to know Bhanubhakta because Nepali first understand "Gai" and only connect the meaning of Nepali word "Gai" with the cow. It is important to understand "Ama" first, only "mum" or "mother".
    Bhanubhakta and his words remain immortal.

    Suyog Dhakal

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