Upcomming Events
9FalgunInternational Mother Language Day 2 days remaning
12FalgunBijaya Ekadashi Vrata 5 days remaning
13FalgunPradosh Vrata 6 days remaning
14FalgunMaha Sivaratri Vrata/Silachahre Puja/National Army Day 7 days remaning
15FalgunWorld NGO Day 8 days remaning
16FalgunGyalpo Lhosar 9 days remaning
17FalgunZero Discrimination Day 10 days remaning
19FalgunWorld Wildlife Day 12 days remaning
20FalgunMajhi Samudayako Ladi Pooja 13 days remaning
23FalgunGorakhkali Puja 16 days remaning
24FalgunInternational Women's Day 17 days remaning
26FalgunAmalaki Ekadashi Vrata 19 days remaning
27FalgunPradosh Vrata 20 days remaning
29FalgunFagu Poornima / Holi/Poornima Vrata 22 days remaning
1ChaitraMeen Sankranti/Fagu Poornima (Terai)/World Consumer Rights Day 23 days remaning
2ChaitraTel Lagaune Ra Aapko Mujura Khane Din/Ganagaur Puja Praarambh 24 days remaning
4ChaitraSocial Work Day 26 days remaning
5ChaitraMangal Chauthi Vrata 27 days remaning
6ChaitraWorld Oral Health Day/International Day of Happiness 28 days remaning
7ChaitraSEE 2081-Compulsory English 29 days remaning
8ChaitraSEE 2081-Compulsory Nepali/World Poetry Day 30 days remaning
9ChaitraWorld Water Day/Gorakhkali Puja/Shitalashtami Vrata 31 days remaning
10ChaitraSEE 2081-Compulsory Maths/World Meteorological Day 32 days remaning
11ChaitraWorld Tuberculosis Day 33 days remaning
13ChaitraWorld Theater Day/SEE 2081-Compulsory Social Studies 35 days remaning
14ChaitraSEE 2081-Optional First/Pradosh Vrata 36 days remaning
15ChaitraSEE 2081-Optional Second 37 days remaning
16ChaitraGhode Jaatra 38 days remaning
17ChaitraTel Lagaune Ra Nimko Pat Khane Din/Astrologer Day 39 days remaning
19ChaitraGauri Vrata 41 days remaning
24ChaitraRam Nawami Vrata/World Health Day 46 days remaning
26ChaitraKamada Ekadashi Vrata 48 days remaning
28ChaitraMahavir Jayanti/Pradosh Vrata 50 days remaning
29ChaitraInternational Day of Human Space Flight 51 days remaning
Jyotish Pandit Mukunda Nepalज्योतिष पण्डित मुकुन्द नेपाल�...
Jyotish Dr. Janak Bhattaविगत ३५ वर्षदेखि कुण्डली निर्�...
Acharya Choodamani Pathakसम्पूर्णानन्दसंस्कृत विश्वव�...
Jyotish Damodar Poudelनेपाल संस्कृत विश्व बिद्यालय�...
Jyotish Amrit Paudelवाराणसीकै सम्पूर्णानन्द संस्...
Jyotish Mukunda Sharmaस्वाध्याय, सत्सङ्ग र सदाचारजस�...
Jyotish Hamro patroनेपाल संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय �...
Jyotish Narayan Prasad Bhandariउप-प्राध्यापक (lecturer of Astrology), 'कुलपत...
Jyotish Vaman Sapkotaशिक्षा - व्याकरणाचार्य, पौरोही...
Jyotish Smarika Acharyaबाल्मीकि बिद्यापिठ बाट ज्योत�...
Jyotish Khageshwor Subediगुरुकुल पद्दति बाट ज्योतिषीय �...
Jyotish Purushottam Ghimireनेपाल संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय, �...
Jyotish Krishna Prasad Bhandariउपप्राध्यापक (Asst. professor of Sanskrit) नेपा�...
Jyotish Ghanashyam Pokharelनेपाल संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालयब...
Jyotish Narayan Prasad Gautamगुरुकुल शिक्षा प्रणालीबाट ज्�...
Jyotish Damodar Kaushikज्योतिष र व्याकरण विषयमा आचार�...
Jyotish Deepak Prasad Kafleसम्पूर्णानन्द संस्कृत विश्वव...
Jyotish Dipendra Khatiwadaसम्पुर्णानन्द संस्कृत बिश्वब...
Jyotish Khagendra Subediसम्पूर्णानंद संस्कृत विश्ववि...
Jyotish Mohan Ghimireसम्पुर्णानन्द संस्कृत विश्वव...
Sahid Diwas/Dron Nawami

Did the sacrifices of the martyrs get justice when the reins of the regime brought from Narayanhiti to Singha Durbar reached the state and local level respectively? Disintegrated House of Representatives and invited regression, after all, democracy has become a chariot driven by selfishness. Or has Nepal yet to taste real democracy?
Thanking the martyrs or apologizing to them?
Definition of "Sahid" according to the dictionary of Nepal Pragya Pratisthan:
This year's Martyr's Day has also come, let's talk in this periphery. According to the dictionary of Nepal Pragya Pratisthan, a martyr is an immortal person who sacrifices his life for the protection of his country, culture, and existence, and the attainment of freedom.
Martyr's week/ Sahid Saptaha:
In the changed perspective, Nepal is celebrated not only as Martyr's Day but also as Martyr's Week with various programs a week in advance. Martyrs Shukraraj Shastri, Dharmabhakta Mathema, Dasharath Chand Thakur, and Gangalal Shrestha were killed on the charge of advocating for democracy among the people, this week and day is a tribute to them.
The sacrifices made by the martyrs for the freedom, equality, and sovereignty we are enjoying today are still being narrated by various trees and events including the Sukra tree of Teku, the Sifal tree.
The first Sahid of Nepal:
Lakhan Thapa is considered to be the first martyr of Nepal. Thapa was hanged in a tree near the Manakamana temple in Gorkha on February 2, 1933, for spreading propaganda against the then Rana Prime Minister Jung Bahadur Rana. Thapa was serving in the then military platoon. Martyrs Shukraraj Shastri, Dharmabhakta Mathema, Dasharath Chand Thakur, and Ganga Lal Shrestha were also killed during the Rana rule.
Shukraraj Shastri was hanged from a tree in Pachli, Kathmandu on Magh 10, 1997 BS at midnight in the night. Mathema was killed in Sifal. Similarly, Dasharath Chand Thakur was shot dead at Shobha Bhagwati on Magh 14 and Ganga Lal Shrestha was taken to Shobha Bhagwati at 10 pm on the same day and tied to a pole and shot dead.
Nepal's most downloaded mobile application, Hamro Patro, pays homage to all known and unknown martyrs who sacrificed their lives to bring change for the dimensions of future generations and the country. The time has come for Nepali politics and leadership to think about how much we have been able to realize the dreams and sacrifices of these martyrs.
What is the condition of the families and houses of the martyrs and the members of the martyr's family in remote areas? Blessings of the martyrs should always be received by this state and the tears of the martyrs should be wiped away by the state.
The colors of the blood of the martyrs are mixed in the soil all over the mountains, hills and the Terai, they have a dream in the Nepali sky and the selfless sacrifice of the martyrs in Nepali democratic practice is incomparable.
We are all equally responsible for building a new Nepal based on the republican democracy achieved through the freedom sacrificed by the martyrs for us, isn't it?
Today, Martyr's Day is being celebrated with various programs all over Nepal. Instead of looking for and keeping pictures of martyrs between Mala and Abir, keep the martyrs in your heart and love the country.
Drona Navami
The winter is fading and the glory of Surya Narayan is increasing. The ninth day of Shukla Paksha in the month of Magh is known as Drona Navami. Best wishes to all on this year's Drona Navami.
Drona Navami plays a special role in the annual religious pilgrimage from Shalinadi to Bajrayogini. This pilgrimage is known as the Madhav Narayana festival. On the Drona Navami pilgrimages eat tasmai or the kheer.
This Navami is named after Guru Drona, the Guru of both the Kauravas and the Pandavas. Drona, who is considered to be the reincarnation of Dev Guru Brihaspati, had a unique knowledge of martial arts and weapons. Good luck to everyone in this Navami named after Drona who has a special role in Mahabharata.
Suyog Dhakal
Upcomming Events
9FalgunInternational Mother Language Day 2 days remaning
12FalgunBijaya Ekadashi Vrata 5 days remaning
13FalgunPradosh Vrata 6 days remaning
14FalgunMaha Sivaratri Vrata/Silachahre Puja/National Army Day 7 days remaning
15FalgunWorld NGO Day 8 days remaning
16FalgunGyalpo Lhosar 9 days remaning
17FalgunZero Discrimination Day 10 days remaning
19FalgunWorld Wildlife Day 12 days remaning
20FalgunMajhi Samudayako Ladi Pooja 13 days remaning
23FalgunGorakhkali Puja 16 days remaning
24FalgunInternational Women's Day 17 days remaning
26FalgunAmalaki Ekadashi Vrata 19 days remaning
27FalgunPradosh Vrata 20 days remaning
29FalgunFagu Poornima / Holi/Poornima Vrata 22 days remaning
1ChaitraMeen Sankranti/Fagu Poornima (Terai)/World Consumer Rights Day 23 days remaning
2ChaitraTel Lagaune Ra Aapko Mujura Khane Din/Ganagaur Puja Praarambh 24 days remaning
4ChaitraSocial Work Day 26 days remaning
5ChaitraMangal Chauthi Vrata 27 days remaning
6ChaitraWorld Oral Health Day/International Day of Happiness 28 days remaning
7ChaitraSEE 2081-Compulsory English 29 days remaning
8ChaitraSEE 2081-Compulsory Nepali/World Poetry Day 30 days remaning
9ChaitraWorld Water Day/Gorakhkali Puja/Shitalashtami Vrata 31 days remaning
10ChaitraSEE 2081-Compulsory Maths/World Meteorological Day 32 days remaning
11ChaitraWorld Tuberculosis Day 33 days remaning
13ChaitraWorld Theater Day/SEE 2081-Compulsory Social Studies 35 days remaning
14ChaitraSEE 2081-Optional First/Pradosh Vrata 36 days remaning
15ChaitraSEE 2081-Optional Second 37 days remaning
16ChaitraGhode Jaatra 38 days remaning
17ChaitraTel Lagaune Ra Nimko Pat Khane Din/Astrologer Day 39 days remaning
19ChaitraGauri Vrata 41 days remaning
24ChaitraRam Nawami Vrata/World Health Day 46 days remaning
26ChaitraKamada Ekadashi Vrata 48 days remaning
28ChaitraMahavir Jayanti/Pradosh Vrata 50 days remaning
29ChaitraInternational Day of Human Space Flight 51 days remaning
Jyotish Pandit Mukunda Nepalज्योतिष पण्डित मुकुन्द नेपाल�...
Jyotish Dr. Janak Bhattaविगत ३५ वर्षदेखि कुण्डली निर्�...
Acharya Choodamani Pathakसम्पूर्णानन्दसंस्कृत विश्वव�...
Jyotish Damodar Poudelनेपाल संस्कृत विश्व बिद्यालय�...
Jyotish Amrit Paudelवाराणसीकै सम्पूर्णानन्द संस्...
Jyotish Mukunda Sharmaस्वाध्याय, सत्सङ्ग र सदाचारजस�...
Jyotish Hamro patroनेपाल संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय �...
Jyotish Narayan Prasad Bhandariउप-प्राध्यापक (lecturer of Astrology), 'कुलपत...
Jyotish Vaman Sapkotaशिक्षा - व्याकरणाचार्य, पौरोही...
Jyotish Smarika Acharyaबाल्मीकि बिद्यापिठ बाट ज्योत�...
Jyotish Khageshwor Subediगुरुकुल पद्दति बाट ज्योतिषीय �...
Jyotish Purushottam Ghimireनेपाल संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालय, �...
Jyotish Krishna Prasad Bhandariउपप्राध्यापक (Asst. professor of Sanskrit) नेपा�...
Jyotish Ghanashyam Pokharelनेपाल संस्कृत विश्वविद्यालयब...
Jyotish Narayan Prasad Gautamगुरुकुल शिक्षा प्रणालीबाट ज्�...
Jyotish Damodar Kaushikज्योतिष र व्याकरण विषयमा आचार�...
Jyotish Deepak Prasad Kafleसम्पूर्णानन्द संस्कृत विश्वव...
Jyotish Dipendra Khatiwadaसम्पुर्णानन्द संस्कृत बिश्वब...
Jyotish Khagendra Subediसम्पूर्णानंद संस्कृत विश्ववि...
Jyotish Mohan Ghimireसम्पुर्णानन्द संस्कृत विश्वव...

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